Fantastic shot I absolutely HAVE to get out there next year but man is a looonnggg way !
Thanks Gus,
It is an amazing experience to do once. Each night the streets were littered with cans, but before sun up each day they were all clean - ready for another go.
I got a few shots of a couple of aircraft: - however there were not as many as had been there in previous years. I flew up for it - the only way to get there from Melbourne.
I went to watch - amazing stuff. not overly happy with what I got - but I got the point of contact!
That shot is a lot better than you think. Its loaded with scene emotion ! Those boxing tents were always at the country shows i went to as a kid. They used to fight on a big square of carpet (i can see one in your shot). They had a bloke out the front of the tent on a big drum to call people in.
Sorry ..i didnt see you had more shots on your site.
Thanks Gus,
It is an amazing experience to do once. Each night the streets were littered with cans, but before sun up each day they were all clean - ready for another go.
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
How did you get there ?
I got a few shots of a couple of aircraft: - however there were not as many as had been there in previous years. I flew up for it - the only way to get there from Melbourne.
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
That is something i would love to photograph also !!
I went to watch - amazing stuff. not overly happy with what I got - but I got the point of contact!
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
Sorry ..i didnt see you had more shots on your site.
OK...I'm not a boxing fan, but I think this shot is terrific!! Motion, emotion, can almost hear it all! Nicely captured!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Thanks Elaine, appreciate the comments.
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D