it's a cool logo, but it distracts from the shot, IMHO. I think that a watermark should prevent people from stealing and using it, but still allow them to see the whole photo well.
it's a cool logo, but it distracts from the shot, IMHO. I think that a watermark should prevent people from stealing and using it, but still allow them to see the whole photo well.
Just my thoughts! Great photo, though!
Thank You. My goal was to make it intrusive. I have recently found several of my photos on forums and myspace sites with my old watermark on them, and wanted to obstruct the main subject. The persons buing my photos now know the quaility of the prints they get from my site on smugmug and hope this alone will over come in sales over people just taking them with the water mark on them and posting some were else. Now i just need to add the site address and it would be a advertisment.
Just my thoughts! Great photo, though!
Mine sucks:cry And I have found...the hard way that I need them too
I like it!
Thank You. My goal was to make it intrusive. I have recently found several of my photos on forums and myspace sites with my old watermark on them,