sunrise over mountains

Since my last pano got beat up for having "terrible lighting", I thought I'd try to redeem myself with some more interesting lighting.
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You're welcome....."orange" you glad you tried another.....
No accounting for taste I guess.
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Looks like you did a pretty good job of blending the frames, but there might be a faint hint of a diagnonal line in the water on the right - if that's the case, it's very hard to tell. Looks like it would benefit from some sharpening, as the water looks slightly OOF.
Where was it shot? Thanks for posting it!
Celebrating the essence of Nature, the Human Spirit, and the Divine Presence in all or:
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Thanks, Doc! That's the Hualapai mountain range in Kingman, AZ. There's no water there; that's all sky. The cropping gives an interesting optical illusion.
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sun rise light rakeing very cool
However, I'm having a hard time finding the subject point of the composition. I'm not saying that it's a bad shot - not at all - it's just that it seems to lack any one spot that really captures my eye.
Regardless, of my prattlings, it's a lovely image.
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I put teaser for Joshua Tree in my post in the nature forum.
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As for the center of interest, try looking at jagged "torn paper" line of the mountains against the firey sky. That's what does it for me.
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PS: Hey, I just checked out photo site. You have a whole gallery of excellent sky shots.
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Wow - faked me out big time!
Nice pano, Joel - are you using any special pano gear or camera, or doing it the way I try to do - with a level camera overlapping shots?
Celebrating the essence of Nature, the Human Spirit, and the Divine Presence in all or:
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Heheh yes, that was back (a) before I had a real DSLR and (b) before the city built a new develoment of houses to block that view. But eh well, half of photography is situational luck, right?
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Thanks for your comment, David. Although, perhaps I don't understand. The shot features the sky over the tops of the mountains because that's what's interesting. Are you saying you would prefer to see more of the mountains? Basically, that would just add more black to the bottom of the image because there is no light there. When taking pictures, we typically show enough of the scene around a center of interest to give it some context. In this case the mountains add context to the firey sky.
It's fine if you don't "get it", or don't like the shot. It's definitely a bit different.
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Joel-- no no...the title just mislead me, I think. When I think of the sky over the mountains, I expect to see the sky..but also the mountains b/c otherwise, it is just sky. Get what I'm saying? Now that I know that you intended to get just the sky, it all makes sense :-) But for a sky, it is pretty neat looking.
I probably could have chosen a better title, but at least I put the word Sunrise before Mountain.
Glad you liked the shot.
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