At Cost

So far these two links have been great for getting at cost gallleries set up.
Yet I can't get two of the galleries to take. They each show .02 has been added to each price.
I am careful to click "Apply" before I click "Save" and I've also tried it various ways:
I give. :help
Will a house pro please help me out? These are password protected galleries, but I'd be happy to pm the links and my admin password if you care to try it yourself. :dunno
Yet I can't get two of the galleries to take. They each show .02 has been added to each price.
I am careful to click "Apply" before I click "Save" and I've also tried it various ways:
- Leaving quick input to "Apply this pricing:" (default selection) and simply adding .01 to each price that I want to be available and 0 to each product I do not want to offer. Apply. Save.
- Setting quik input to "Clear" 'All Products", then going back into the Pro Pricing (gallery), and setting quick input to "Increase" ".01" "all products", then changing the ones I don't want to sell back to 0.
- Setting quik input to "Clear" 'All Products". Apply. Save. Then back into the Pro Pricing (gallery), and setting quick input to a gallery for which the at cost is working correctly under "From previously priced galleries" and selecting "all products." Apply. Save.
- Setting quik input to "Clear" 'All Products", Apply. Save. Then back into the Pro Pricing ( galleries (bulk) ), and setting "copy" to a gallery that the at cost is working correctly under "prices from these galleries", clicking to select both the problem galleries (there is no apply button here) and clicking save.
I give. :help
Will a house pro please help me out? These are password protected galleries, but I'd be happy to pm the links and my admin password if you care to try it yourself. :dunno
Very user friendly! Beautiful portraits!!
That should offset the changes you have made, and reset things back to zero.
Well that is just about the nicest way that anyone ever said they couldn't help me. Thanks Heather!
To clarify: I can get things set back to zero, but that just sets the gallery to the default pricing that I had already set up in the portfolio pricing.
So, entering .01 for each product should not result in .02 being added to the total price. I can't explain, which is why I couldn't fix it and have come here for help.
No worries, SM support rocks... might take longer than usual, but that's just because Andy is on vacation.
If you can just give me the link to one of your galleries (no need to give the password), I will certainly check it out for you
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Hi Barb!
You came along sooner than I expected. Here's one, it's not availabe to the public, but I can pm the privacy password if you need it.
No need for the password
Right now in that gallery, you have a .01 cent increase on each product. You have opted to not sell digital downloads. I think that is what you are wanting, correct? Default prices plus one cent?
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Yes please, I'd like to get as close to at cost for this wedding and two others, (it's a thank you.) But I do need to track sales, hence the penny.
Thank you so much your time, this is the other problem gallery:
If I did it correctly, by setting the delay to 7, I'll have that many business days to upload the full resolution images, before an order goes to print, right?
Our minimum print resolution requirements still apply. Keep the image size high enough to sell the prints you want, but shrink the file size by saving proofing images at jpeg 7 and replacing them with jpeg 10 images as needed.
And yes, by setting your proof delay to 7 days, that is the amount of days you have to correct any issues with an order, replace images, etc.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Ok, I did forget about the minimum requirements, thanks for catching that.
You are welcome. Be sure and holler back if you have any further questions
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help