Weird Comment Left on Photo

Check this out. :scratch
2. | made by: Guest | on: Jan 11, 2007 2:38pm EST | action:

is a excelent photo but i can´t buy.. pay for a photo.. i´m not idiot
I checked my statcounter and it shows that the person viewing this photo at that time was located in Brazil.
I don't think the person is an idiot, and I would love to help them pay for the photo.
What would you do? I posted a comment in response in hope that they might come back and see it.
2. | made by: Guest | on: Jan 11, 2007 2:38pm EST | action:

is a excelent photo but i can´t buy.. pay for a photo.. i´m not idiot
I checked my statcounter and it shows that the person viewing this photo at that time was located in Brazil.
I don't think the person is an idiot, and I would love to help them pay for the photo.
What would you do? I posted a comment in response in hope that they might come back and see it.
SmugMug Support Hero
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Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Iron Creek Photography
Tucson, Arizona
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I see you already have the approval turned to on. There is unfortunately not much we can do about it otherwise. I'm sorry I wish I had a better answer for you. Personally, I would just delete this message. & smugmug
Yes, I turned approval required on when it first came to my attention months ago. I have not approved the message and was waiting to delete it. I just thought it odd that someone would leave a message like that. It was probably a test to see if the post would make it to the page without approval. If found to not require approval it probably would have been flooded with male enhancement drug offers.
Did I mention that I hate spam...