Getting an iMac on Thursday, advice?

I guess this should go in accesories, not quite sure...
So, this thursday, habing been duly authorized by the CFO, I am plonking down the coin neccessary to get an iMac. Here are the stats:
2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB
NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 128MB SDRAM
24 inch screen (Boo Yah!)
Here is what I want to do with it:
use an advanced photo editor to not only edit photos, but creat "digital artwork"- specifically, to integrate actual photos into pictures that are part photographs, and part created "ex nihilo"; specifically I am trying to make a series of illustrations for the Inferno, and as I can't photograph the various circles of hell, I want to use some sort of program or programs to creat absolutely realistic 3D environments to integrate photos of real people into. A few questions:
1- I have a bootleg PC copy of photoshop CS2 for windows, can I use the program that allows the mac to run OS and XP simultaneously (not "boot camp", the new one) and do my photoshop stuff with my PC program, or should I shell out the $600 to get photoshop CS2 for the mac? What's the difference between the $600 photoshop at B&H, and the $300 "academic license?"
2- What are the best programs to build 3D "worlds" with that don't look cheesy? Poser? Others? If I have photoshop for windows, and those other programs are Mac, can I move jpegs in between them? (it's obvious I have a steep learning curve ahead of me.)
3- Are the ssytem capabilities I have above sufficient to do what I am looking to do? Should I shell out more cash for the faster processor, or more RAM, or even a ebtter video card?
4- What are the other "must have" mac programs?
Thanks for the help.
So, this thursday, habing been duly authorized by the CFO, I am plonking down the coin neccessary to get an iMac. Here are the stats:
2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB
NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 128MB SDRAM
24 inch screen (Boo Yah!)
Here is what I want to do with it:
use an advanced photo editor to not only edit photos, but creat "digital artwork"- specifically, to integrate actual photos into pictures that are part photographs, and part created "ex nihilo"; specifically I am trying to make a series of illustrations for the Inferno, and as I can't photograph the various circles of hell, I want to use some sort of program or programs to creat absolutely realistic 3D environments to integrate photos of real people into. A few questions:
1- I have a bootleg PC copy of photoshop CS2 for windows, can I use the program that allows the mac to run OS and XP simultaneously (not "boot camp", the new one) and do my photoshop stuff with my PC program, or should I shell out the $600 to get photoshop CS2 for the mac? What's the difference between the $600 photoshop at B&H, and the $300 "academic license?"
2- What are the best programs to build 3D "worlds" with that don't look cheesy? Poser? Others? If I have photoshop for windows, and those other programs are Mac, can I move jpegs in between them? (it's obvious I have a steep learning curve ahead of me.)
3- Are the ssytem capabilities I have above sufficient to do what I am looking to do? Should I shell out more cash for the faster processor, or more RAM, or even a ebtter video card?
4- What are the other "must have" mac programs?
Thanks for the help.
Cave ab homine unius libri
We won't be discussing ways in which you can use a bootleg copy of software on dgrin, or any other illegal activity, for that matter.
To run Window and OSX concurrently, check out Parallels. You'd need more RAM, of course, than you would otherwise, and that's one area the iMac is limited, expansion-wise. As far as Mac versions, CS2 is running under emulation, as it was not written for Intel processors. CS3 is available in beta, and you could run the 30 day demo of it. CS2 runs fine, CS3 runs sweet. Academic license is not upgradable, so to buy the full version and an upgrade would be $749 and the educational discount, if you qualify would be $600 for the purchase/upgrade (which isn't really an upgrade).
A 3-D artist at work was using an app that was incredible and looked to be (relatively) easy to use. I'll find out what it was and post it in a day or two. He was freelance and ended his run last week.
I don't KNOW, but I'd say you'd be a fool to do any 3-D work with anything less than a MacPro, specifically for the amount of RAM you can put in it. I'm not sure, since I don't know what you'll be using, but the 3-D portion of your question is going to be the determining factor here.
Oy. For what?
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Thanks D!
I meant to say "second hand.":D
Unfortunately, my budget just can't take a power Mac at this point. Particularly when I am looking at spending $600-900 on software. If I can't do it with these tools, I'll have to put it off, or approach it another way.
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Is aperture really worth the money for me? At the moment I don't really process large batches of RAW photos. I've been using RAWshooter, and that's saatisfied me up until now. Is aperture really that much better?
Depends on who you ask. I don't think it's worth the money for anyone.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Aperture is essentially a system for managing and converting large numbers of RAW files, right?
Got to go man, I'm off to get the gear
Got it last night, set it up. So sweet, so smoooooth...
Of course, I haven't tried any actual photoediting on it, as I was up till 4 AM playing Civ 4.