Bouddi National Park

I have spend the first day of this year at the beach, as many Australians do. However, unlike the most, we have selected one of the most unaccessible and least know beaches. The access there takes you for an hour long walk through the bush - all down hill. This is partially a man made path with some nice features such as the pictured stone steps. If your fitness is anything like mine (non-existant) it will take you almost double that coming back. And if like I you will carry a heavy backpack full of photographic equipment you will get a very solid workout.
I am not going to name the beach but I will say it is in Bouddi National Park where this gallery of photographs is coming from.
Oops, can some one move this to Landscape forum, please.
I am not going to name the beach but I will say it is in Bouddi National Park where this gallery of photographs is coming from.
Oops, can some one move this to Landscape forum, please.
why beach ?
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Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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as for the grass - this is national park and thus I do not touch, bend or break anything just for the sake of a photo. Was it rushed? Perhaps a bit, as most photos are when you are on an outing with family. Would I do it differently given more time? Probably not.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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