Sales Tax -- need advice... anyone else in KS?

We are so confused about sales tax! Our business is in Kansas and we have e-mailed the proper state agencies and the replies are less than helpful:rolleyes
We understand that we need to charge sales tax on things we sell straight out of our studio -- sitting fees, photo jewelry and the like. But what about Smugmug print sales? Do you mark up your photos to accomodate sales tax? Do you turn in sales tax on your Smugmug sales? It's all very confusing and we want to do the right thing but are having trouble getting anyone to just come out and say what the right thing is!
We understand that we need to charge sales tax on things we sell straight out of our studio -- sitting fees, photo jewelry and the like. But what about Smugmug print sales? Do you mark up your photos to accomodate sales tax? Do you turn in sales tax on your Smugmug sales? It's all very confusing and we want to do the right thing but are having trouble getting anyone to just come out and say what the right thing is!
Smugmug does collect sales tax on picture sales. Check out the order (cart) page...
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When I offer albums, then I will have to start doing the sales tax thing. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to that!
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And I agree that it seems odd that we have to charge tax on sitting fees, but that's how we are interpreting the regulations they are quoting us -- although they are a bit difficult to deciper.
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when I first started my first photo enity business in the very late '70s there was not a sales tax on anything that was not if I booked a wedding and GAVE the B/G a GIFT of the proofs then there was no need to determine how much of my fee was to go toward the proof given to B/G....then in the early '80s that all changed and we had to charge tax for everything related to our work....Ks was one of the first to be on the charge tax for mail / internet based sales no mattter where the customer far that has not been passed....
If you go the farmers markets and look a the prices most signs stated stae sales tax included in price and the city of wichita is screaming that they want to make vendors charge the state and city sales taxes.....this will just cut down on art fairs and the farmeres markets in the end.....