Arc de Trump...on 9/11/06

Looking through my pictures last night and I found this picture that I took on September 11th, 2006. Lots of noise in this pic...but I kinda like it. What are your thoughts?
Paris was fun!
Paris was fun!
Glad you had fun in Paris! Paris, TX is the only Paris I've been to, but maybe I'll get to do some international travel someday.
You should I came back with a great appreciation for this country we live in. THe language barrier is was a little hard...but other than that it was a great time.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
I love this shot. Great exposure and the noise adds character IMO. Super!
No Trump's in Paris!
Thanks Jason!:D
You got me...I'm just a typical Texan trying to phonenically pronounce it and trying to spell it too. Thanks for the correction.:ivar