email 2 gallery - return email + username + notification + multiples?

guys, awesome gallery system. i've spent *MANY* hundreds/thousands of hours managing over 20 different gallery systems over the last 5 years just wishing any one of them had "this" or "that"... can't believe it took me so long to stumble upon SmugMug... :cry within 36 hours of discovery i'd signed up for a pro account, my time is simply worth more than the way too many hours i spend stuffing around with galleries!!
anyhoo, now the questions... as you can tell from the title, it's regarding the email to gallery feature. i have it werking beautifully straight out the box (as with everything else), however just wondering if there's some features which are conspicuously absent which are in there already as a setting, or planned. (or not gonna happen :cry)
1) return email. by this i mean i'd like it if the email address the pic came from recieved an email back with a link to the uploaded image.
2) username. i may allow other people to send photos by email (they usually email them to me direct and i post them for them) and it would be nice if that person were recognized for the pic somehow. often an email will have the person's preferred name in the return details, perhaps it can be plucked from there...?
3) admin notification. if someone sends a pic to my gallery, i'd like to be notified so i can check it out, and moderate if necessary, etc. pretty rudimentary feature i think.
4) multiple attachments. ** edit - deleted !!! sorry, i renamed my email gallery then emailed stuff to it :rolleyes ***
thanks guys, first post here, hope it's not too difficult for yas!
:thumb :thumb :thumb
anyhoo, now the questions... as you can tell from the title, it's regarding the email to gallery feature. i have it werking beautifully straight out the box (as with everything else), however just wondering if there's some features which are conspicuously absent which are in there already as a setting, or planned. (or not gonna happen :cry)
1) return email. by this i mean i'd like it if the email address the pic came from recieved an email back with a link to the uploaded image.
2) username. i may allow other people to send photos by email (they usually email them to me direct and i post them for them) and it would be nice if that person were recognized for the pic somehow. often an email will have the person's preferred name in the return details, perhaps it can be plucked from there...?
3) admin notification. if someone sends a pic to my gallery, i'd like to be notified so i can check it out, and moderate if necessary, etc. pretty rudimentary feature i think.
4) multiple attachments. ** edit - deleted !!! sorry, i renamed my email gallery then emailed stuff to it :rolleyes ***
thanks guys, first post here, hope it's not too difficult for yas!
:thumb :thumb :thumb
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one more thing - possibly related to the non-notification issue - you have to change your email in the control panel to to initialize email to gallery.... this seems like it will affect my notifications to various other stuff, is this true or is my personal email still on file somewhere in there??
(search is difficult when you're looking for email/notification/upload on this forum... 2billion hits...
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yeah, i've just re-read that page a few times until i beat it into my dumbass head
it's just a little misleading for someone trying to read and gorge on as much info as quick as possible, here's how i saw it...
so yeah, i stupidly changed MY email.... thanks!
i have an email address setup specifically for email submissions ( )
this email auto-forwards to my primary gmail account ( )
my gmail recognizes who it's addressed to ( gallery@... ) and autoforwards it to my smugmug address (me@smugmug) and files it away
it also responds to the original emailer with a link to the email gallery (which is sorted in descending order so latest submissions appear first)
now, this allows me to directly see in my email what has been posted so i can react to it if i need to, and also responds to the person who emailed it as to where they can find their photo.
problem is, it doesn't werk!
i've tried so many combinations, and yeah i've tested forwarding to different accounts to make sure the email was intact and not modified by gmail, and yeah it's all exactly as if it came from the original poster.
any idea why i can't auto-forward an email submission to my gallery?
Also, make sure the correct password is in the subject line. The password is case-senstive. & smugmug
yeah i've got all the details correct, it werks fine when i send it direct but not when it's auto-forwarded, that's what i can't figger out! & smugmug
just go to filters and do it from there. i've had it forwarding to 2 different emails (apart from smugmug) and it arrives exactly as if it were from the original poster.
stupidly enough, for some reason my mail forwarder won't let me forward to the smugmug address directly, it comes back saying "email address does not exist" - bizarre! so forwarding through gmail is the best i can get at the moment.
it's because of the thing, the script doesn't like the extra period in the domain. i'll talk to tech support to see if they can sort that out.
then i gave them detailed instructions for how to verify it (emailing a pic and seeing the result) but then...
what else can i do? :cry
basically they are telling me that because it's not a "physical" email address they can't auto-forward to it, they just don't get it.
think i'll give up and go back to trying to get gmail to do 3rd-hand deliveries.
so anyhoo, any ideas why auto-forwarding from gmail doesn't pick it up in the gallery?
i've since tried with 2 other email addresses and they both receive the email exactly as if it was sent directly to them, subject in tact, attachment in tact, body untouched. help?
i'll see what i can do about making it so that the TO address has smugmug in it....