I found this to be humorous...

I was walking along a lake in my neighborhood (actually it's an irrigation pond; but if you put a fountain in the middle and call it a lake you can charge people an extra $100k to live by it!) and saw this sign on someone's fence:

:scratch I'm just letting you know that he's a bit strange. This just caught my funny bone!

:scratch I'm just letting you know that he's a bit strange. This just caught my funny bone!
This is a good one!
As a dog owner I know that putting up something like "Warning, biting dog" or "dangerous dog" can make you vulnerable in case your dog does bite. It's as though you new in advance the dog was dangerous and did not do enough about it - even if someone trespasses into your closed yard.
Maybe "strange dog" is a way to get around this.
Nevertheless, if you could get a shot of the STRANGE DOG ....
Who knows, maybe two heads?
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
"Your message is too short, please add at least one character."
DUH! nt...sheesshhh
What was I thinking? :puke1