An other stormy early morning on Raja Ampat islands
Raja Ampat islands are N/W of Papua Barat, Indonesia.
Canon 1dmk2, Canon 24-70mm f/2.8.
I would be interested in your opinions, comments, critiques,
Thanks, Carlo
Canon 1dmk2, Canon 24-70mm f/2.8.
I would be interested in your opinions, comments, critiques,
Thanks, Carlo
"Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter."
Ansel Adams
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
It was a strange shadow/reflection, and there I left it.
If the whoòe photo was a composition I would have brushed it away as in the left part
The images I see...
Any criticism is niggling but you asked for some. The bottom can be burnt in to keep you eye on the clouds-in the current version i keep switching from the clouds to the water line. I also feel a little more depth can be drawn out from the clouds:
This is just my take on it...................Mereimage
Interiors, Exteriors & Landscape
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
twitter: @milanovec
I see why you might think this is a composite. However, great light is what inspires the composite in the first place. When an image captures that great light in one exposure its integrity sadly becomes questionable now days, because of all the photoshoping. I believe this is one image and could tell that the direction of the light coming down through the clouds would illuminate the trees on the hill. GREAT LIGHT
Muench Workshops
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Amazing sky, clouds and light. I live along the California coast and have never seen light quite like that. Usually the coastal layers, the one hovering on the horizon, sometimes a middle wispy fog layer and high clouds behind are moving fairly quickly. I once saw some clouds I wanted, turned in the other direction to take some photos, turned back to take the original scene and the clouds had moved on and changed shape in less than 5 minutes.
Not knowing exactly what you saw, I'd suggest lightening the water and the hills -- but not being there when the original was taken, it's hard for me to give advice.
The "halo" of the trees against the sky on the left does bother me also, but if that's what you saw... it's up to you to decide if you want to try to clone in some sky or not.
Do you have other photos of those amazing clouds to share with us?