Help!!! Unhappy customer!!!

Help...What do I do? I just received an e-mail from a customer that ordered some prints and she said she only got 15 out of 19 prints.:cry
This was my first official "sale" and it got messed up!!! How do I go about fixing this problem? Do I ask her to discribe the photos that she ordered and tell me which ones she received/didn't receive? Or should I order them myself and send her the missing ones and some duplicates? Is there something Smugmug can do for me??? Please...tell me what happens in this case, as I am so new to this whole "business" process.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!!!!:thumb
Here's her order #249689
2007-02-11 07:45:57 (date & time)
The USPS tracking number is: 9101132138798006194298
This was my first official "sale" and it got messed up!!! How do I go about fixing this problem? Do I ask her to discribe the photos that she ordered and tell me which ones she received/didn't receive? Or should I order them myself and send her the missing ones and some duplicates? Is there something Smugmug can do for me??? Please...tell me what happens in this case, as I am so new to this whole "business" process.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!!!!:thumb
Here's her order #249689
2007-02-11 07:45:57 (date & time)
The USPS tracking number is: 9101132138798006194298
Robyn T. Lisone
MUTTography - Modern and Fun Lifestyle Pet Photography
MUTTography | My SmugMug | Facebook | Google+
MUTTography - Modern and Fun Lifestyle Pet Photography
MUTTography | My SmugMug | Facebook | Google+
Second, DO NOT WORRY. Ever. You are fully and completely protected by the SmugMug Guarantee. Sounds like a glitch at the lab, it's rare but it can happen. I've asked the lab to reprint the whole order and expedite the shipment to your customer ASAP. I'll ask GrannyRobin to post here tomorrow, after she gets a chance to call the lab (they're closed now, Sunday night)... and we'll give you an update!
I've also emailed your customer and cc'd you, so that your customer knows we're getting the new prints to them.
Sorry for the hassle!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter the new look. Green is a very good color on you!
Thanks again...have a great night!
MUTTography - Modern and Fun Lifestyle Pet Photography
MUTTography | My SmugMug | Facebook | Google+
Hi Robyn,
I'm so sorry that the order was not complete! I've called our printing lab where Tonya assures me they'll reprint and reship the entire order. I expect it to arrive before the end of the week.
Anytime there's a problem with an order, please do let us know. We want to make sure people get the items they paid for.
MUTTography - Modern and Fun Lifestyle Pet Photography
MUTTography | My SmugMug | Facebook | Google+