Pricing report
Is there a way to print/generate a report showing the pro pricing I have for any/all of my galleries at a glance? It would be helpful to have this information generate quickly and easily without having to check each gallery one by one.
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Is there a way to print or download the pricing for a single gallery?
Usually in the 'file' menu. Hope this helps. & smugmug
Helps but not quite all the way. I wanted to get an output I can use to put on the back of my printed order forms for those clients that dont trust or use the internet. So Ideally it would be to a word or excel format.
Maybe you can select the page and copy it in an word/excel document? Adjust the colors, and take out what you don't want? & smugmug
The only way I have found to do it is to call up the pricing page, highlight and copy the items and pricing. paste it into excel, delete the pricing it doesnt get treated as text it is an embedded graphic of some sort. Then .... go get a beer. Sit down. And type them in.