On the phone with yahoo.com

My old site that was hosted by yahoo is being forwarded to my new smugmug site. I wasn't aware that I still had the old one running. If you type in takethepicturenow.com you get the old one. If you type in www before the address you get the new one. I am downgrading with yahoo to get rid of my old site.
Is there anything special that I need to know before completely deleting my old account? He says that the site has to point to you. I need a static IP address?????? :scratch
Is there anything special that I need to know before completely deleting my old account? He says that the site has to point to you. I need a static IP address?????? :scratch
the part about "I don't want to type WWW..."
set that up at Yahoo....
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Personally I think yahoo really sucks. I have a few domains with them and I have never been too happy:
Maybe this thread adresses some of your problems?
California Photo Scout
Travel Guides
I agree. They do suck. That's why I am now a smugmugger. I just set up my original domain with them so I have to keep it to keep my address that is printes all over the place already! I will check out the thread.
No you don't......find a new registar...Ummm like GO DADDY and move your .com to them.....I have bought from yahoo to get a fantastic deal and then moved it to GO DADDY, as I think their customer service rocks...but I couldn't pass the .com at yahoo for $2.95.......and GO DADDY and Smugmug go hand in hand very well.
Thanks. I got it all figured out. I already paid to keep my domain. Maybe in the future I wont. It only cost $34.00 for a year to keep my domain with yahoo. I got the problem fixed also. You can type takethepicturenow.com or put the www in front and it still goes to the correct smugmug site now!!!