Walking monkey...

Dont know if I stuck this somehwere before, but it makes me crack up every time...
And ooooh... Are those new smilies I see there?
Bout' time you guys got a sarcastic eye-rolling smiley! Now you can all address my posts accordingly...
And ooooh... Are those new smilies I see there?

He who throws dirt, loses ground...
Anyway, this is a picture of my friend's monkey, Georgie, the Spider monkey, and was taken in the abandoned parking lot of a permanently closed restaurant off the freeway, just in front of where his compound secretly lies.
Anywho, Ive posted pics of her here before, in a thread called "Monkeys!", but I dont think I got this one up... Shes a real sweetheart, and shes even sat in my lap twice when we sat down in the parking lot to rest on our walks with her, and she let me groom her and such!