Help with pricing?
Hi. I am a pro shooter, SmugMug newbie and posting here because I see the most members are in this forum. {I am so sorry if that is a faux pas} Can anyone help with pricing? I have NO idea what to charge for the various prints and gift items. Any suggestions? How can I look at what others are charging? This is urgent for me -- I have a client hyper-ventilating to order photos. I want as many shekels as I can get, naturally, but don't want to drive away the custom. Thanks for fastest response. BTW, I refer to prints from events and portraits -- I am very good but these are not fine art category. Neither are they family snaps taken by Uncle Fred. And I am so ignorant because I have been a photojournalist and rarely had to deal with prints -- or earn any $$$ from them!
many thanks. So nice to have a community.
many thanks. So nice to have a community.
Hi. Thanks for moving it to Pro. I was not sure where to post. I had written in Pro but then thought prolly fewer pro shooters are member than the community as a whole, so I tried for a place where folks are in the forum. This is new territory for me! Appreciate the help. Do you have any suggestions re pricing?
Your welcome. Me ? Not on your life...i dont sell my photos because...because...well i dont do it. I tried it a few times at local races (mountain bike & motorbike) & just could not put up with the crap people expect.
I rode my bike for 300 klms on a winters morning...sat all day in the dust & sun...spend a few days processing & had 2 buyers so i assume they dont want it. One racing family offered me equiv to $15 USD for 10 photos & originals so as he could give the originals to his sponsor
Hey which im cool with too, if i had to rely on photography for putting food on the table... i would starve.
With my other stuff in my link in my signature...i just dont care if no-one buys them. I dont care if no-one likes them. I just get such a buzz doing my own thing. We dont have the buying power here like the US does (corp sales i mean) so i dont show most of my gallerys.
If someone wants one i quote $500 AUD (about $430USD) for a huge print. needless to say i dont get any sales. I think..whats the point if i cant get a sale to buy me half a lens. I dont like talking to people about it is & this is the price...take it or leave it.
But thats just me. im sure there are people in here that will be able to help you.
Greetings from the UK -
Good luck, be tough,
Caroline - Follow me on G+
or magazine work, the price is different.
You might want to have a look at this or something like it.
For a look at another point of view,
Best of luck to you.