A SALE!!!! I got my first sale
Wow, what a day, OK so its only a 6x4:barb
Mendip Blog - Blog from The Fog, life on the Mendips
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
First sale cookie!
Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
I got my second sale all of $4.00 widget
Again - congratulations!!!
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Scott I hope you read my other post order from Georgia... I hope to use smugmug if the order does not take 12 days...widget
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Janis, I'm sure you were just unfortunate with that order of your that took so long. Nothing always is perfect in life and it looks like you got unlucky. When I placed my order I had no deadlines or expectations about time or quality, as it is I have no hesitation in recommending anyone to use the service as both have proved to be first class.
Caroline in the south west of England, UK
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
Hopefully more to come!
Am still waiting for my first over here though...
but you don't have the large sizes available, do you know that?
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Are you trying to sell photos or give them away for free?
I just checked out your site quickly and see you offer FREE digital downloads?? I cannot see you selling many photos if you give the downloads away for free. Whats the incentive to buy?
Maybe I missed something along the way??
The selection of pics that I'm offering as free downloads in this gallery http://www.carolineshipsey.co.uk/gallery/2719313 are low res and for what its worth I have a licence for usage that is referred to at the top of the gallery - of course i want to sell photos too
Perhaps my post was misleading - this wasn't the first sale I have EVER made, but the first from Smugmug.
I've sold photos for years through galleries and personal sales, and a few from my previous web sites. There are always people who wont/cant buy for whatever reason, but would really love to have a certain pic, and if I can give them a freebie I do. There's nothing lost because there was never going to be a sale - they feel good - I feel good. The free downloads are simply a gesture along those lines, maybe if a person has a free download they will remember me and come back and buy in the future - who knows ?
As you may see, I'm not an event or portrait photographer, so I'm not expecting to use Smugmug in the way that you probably are. Also I'm in the UK, and had been highly sceptical about the possibility of making sales from the site because of the currency issues that have been discusssed on the forum, thats why it was such a surprise. I had expressed this scepticsim at length previously and felt it only fair to publicly mention the first sale.
Thanks for taking the time to reply Michael, you have some super pics on your site and i wish you well for the future.
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+