Pricing: Why are 5x7s offered in this gallery

af-photosaf-photos Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
I set up a gallery offering ONLY 4x6 prints at $1 each
I just got an order for 5x7's at $3 EACH !

This is the gallery:

It's usually accessed through a CNAME:

I thought I had the prices set to offer ONLY 4x6 prints.

That's all I see when logged in to the gallery. I double-checked the gallery pricing (only 4x6's are filled in, rest are blank), and the item pricing (for the first picture, which is one that was ordered : ALL fields are blank).

But when I go in as a customer, I see that 5x7's are indeed being offered at $3.

ps: I have NEVER offered 5x7's

These galleries are all in a Category:

As far as I remember, I priced the first gallery, and then for subsequent galleries I told smug to use the pricing from the first.
Alan :thumb


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2007
    You have portfolio pricing AND gallery pricing, but the gallery pricing needs $0 put in each field you are NOT selling.
  • dragon300zxdragon300zx Registered Users Posts: 2,575 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2007
    af-photos wrote:
    I set up a gallery offering ONLY 4x6 prints at $1 each
    I just got an order for 5x7's at $3 EACH !

    As far as I remember, I priced the first gallery, and then for subsequent galleries I told smug to use the pricing from the first.

    Andy will most likely be by with a more solid answer in a little bit but I would venture to guess that in one of your upper galleries or even under portfolio pricing this option is set for the 5X7's.
    Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
  • af-photosaf-photos Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
    edited April 30, 2007
    Portfolio pricing????
    I'm a newbie, but to the best of my recollection I've never touched that.
    I can't even see where to set it!
    Alan :thumb
  • dragon300zxdragon300zx Registered Users Posts: 2,575 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2007
    When you are in the custom pricing tool, look across the top. You will see options for image, gallery, gallery (bulk), portfolio

    If you click on portfolio it will show you the default settings for all of your galleries.

    Then if you don't have the 0's in the fields for each gallery it will default to portfolio pricing.

    Somewhere do you have 5x7's listed for $3.00, once you find that, the problem will be fixed. Or just make sure you have 0's for all of your 5X7's
    Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
  • af-photosaf-photos Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
    edited April 30, 2007
    Found it -- still don't know why.
    And set everything to zeros.

    But I still don't know HOW it got set ... and some of my other galleries gave what I expected (4x6's only) without offering 5x7's.

    I did two new things on this gallery :

    a) I changed everthing to use categories, and switched to category display.
    b) I tried and failed to create these galleries using StarExplorer. I ended up deleting the galleries it created, but I may have set something in the process.
    Alan :thumb
  • dragon300zxdragon300zx Registered Users Posts: 2,575 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2007
    What I would do then is create another gallery to test and see if you can get this to happen again. If it does then you know somewhere in one of your pricing sheets there is a 3. If it doesn't then it was a freak accident.

    I would check every single one of your galleries. Public or hidden.

    And next time you price a gallery make sure you do it off of a gallery you know is working. Then double check right away.

    If there are no 3's anywhere in any of your gallery pricing options, and Andy doesn't post any other idea's here I would email But only after you have checked and double checked there aren't any galleries with a 3 marked in those boxes. I know I personally hate sending something to support and finding out it was something easy I didn't notice and I have done it a couple times at least.
    Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
  • af-photosaf-photos Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
    edited April 30, 2007
    Checking galleries -- feature request
    I'm checking all my galleries now .... and found a couple of other errors (my fault, no doubt).

    But this sure is time-consuming.

    Plan A : while logged in, click on every picture, go into PRO pricing, select IMAGE pricing and scroll down the whole list to make sure nothing is set. Phew!

    Plan B : while NOT logged in, go into each gallery, add multiple images, select all .... then look at the cart and examine every image to see what the customer can order.

    Plan C : Feature request :
    Show a list of all pictures in a gallery, WITH the original file names (I've taken to picture-coding my file names AF-123-4x6), and a list of all sizes offered, showing where the price came from (image,gallery,portfolio...)
    Alan :thumb
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2007
    af-photos wrote:
    I'm checking all my galleries now .... and found a couple of other errors (my fault, no doubt).

    But this sure is time-consuming.

    Plan A : while logged in, click on every picture, go into PRO pricing, select IMAGE pricing and scroll down the whole list to make sure nothing is set. Phew!

    Plan B : while NOT logged in, go into each gallery, add multiple images, select all .... then look at the cart and examine every image to see what the customer can order.

    Plan C : Feature request :
    Show a list of all pictures in a gallery, WITH the original file names (I've taken to picture-coding my file names AF-123-4x6), and a list of all sizes offered, showing where the price came from (image,gallery,portfolio...)
    There are only three things that will effect the price I think.

    Go to the photo that was ordered 5x7 and select it.
    Go into Custom Pro Prices.

    Select Portfolio at top.
    Check prices
    bulk fill in all blanks with zero, important or the default price will apply
    Hit save and will apply to every gallery/photo that has blank prices

    Back into Custom Pro Prices.
    Select gallery at top
    check prices
    all blanks will carry the Portfolio price so no need to fill blanks
    Hit save and will apply to every photo in gallery except in the next step

    Back into Custom Pro Prices with the photo in question picked.
    Select image at top
    check prices
    all blanks will carry the Portfolio or gallery price so no need to fill blanks
    Hit save and will apply to only this photo
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • af-photosaf-photos Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
    edited April 30, 2007
    Thanks ...
    I think I've got it under control now.

    This particular 5x7 problem was due to a Portfolio setting -- which I've cleared to zeroes. ('Custom $0.00' rather than 'clear' )

    The other mistake was probably due to accidentally setting a gallery price when I meant to set an image price.

    Then I need to pick out the (relatively few) pictures that need custom pricing.

    Hmmm ... If I gave them a keyword like 4x8 or 8x10 then I could easily find them and apply the custom pricing.
    Alan :thumb
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited May 1, 2007
    af-photos wrote:
    And set everything to zeros.

    But I still don't know HOW it got set ... and some of my other galleries gave what I expected (4x6's only) without offering 5x7's.

    I did two new things on this gallery :

    a) I changed everthing to use categories, and switched to category display.
    b) I tried and failed to create these galleries using StarExplorer. I ended up deleting the galleries it created, but I may have set something in the process.

    This is weird. headscratch.gif
    AFAIKI (and I should know;-), S*E does not do anything price-related. deal.gif
    May I ask you what is that you were trying to achieve and what S*E did not do what you'd think it would? rolleyes1.gif

    Thanks! thumb.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • af-photosaf-photos Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
    edited May 3, 2007
    Hi, Nik.

    I just downloaded a trial a couple of days ago, so my version is probably up to date. I'm also relatively new on smugmug (2 months) and still in the middle of customizing it.

    One bug : For Style it doen't offer 'smugmug', only 'smugmug small'
    Omission : It doesn't let me select a theme.
    There may be a smugmug bug/omission here, too.
    The control panel lets one set a default Theme -- but this doesn't
    include the more advanced styles.
    (Right now I'm using The Old Family album)

    What I am really going to need is your new feature

    Q: I already have my local folders named after my categories. Can I upload the whole tree in one shot?
    Yes. It's an advanced feature, still under development, but it already works. Just be careful.

    I couldn't get it to work (but I only tried once, and it didn't do what I expected.). I'll try it again in a few days.

    Alan :thumb
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2007
    af-photos wrote:
    One bug : For Style it doesn't offer 'smugmug', only 'smugmug small'
    Omission : It doesn't let me select a theme.
    There may be a smugmug bug/omission here, too.
    The control panel lets one set a default Theme -- but this doesn't
    include the more advanced styles.
    (Right now I'm using The Old Family album)

    Unfortunately, it's not an S*E bug ("unfortunately" = I cannot fix it ne_nau.gif). It's the limitations of currently production SM API that S*E uses. It's been created long before all those new fancy styles and feature of the modern SM web UI have been hatched.
    af-photos wrote:
    What I am really going to need is your new feature

    Oops, thanks for bringing this to my attention. Actually, it not new, not for a long time (like 2 years:-), I was simply too busy with the actual code to update the FAQ.
    I have updated the FAQ page now. deal.gif

    I'd suggest you play with it (you can always close the app and start from scrath).
    Highlight a category in your S*E tree, select several folders (with subfolders and some JPEGs inside) from Windows Explorer and drop them onto S*E... Note the results.
    Then change the naming settings in the Preferences and repeat the actions.
    Observe the difference.
    Now, if you happen to have your folders named EXACTLY as your categories/subcategories/albums - the results will be even more interesting :D
    Play with it, S*E is very forgiving. It's fun, trust me.

    Let me know how it goes...
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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