Google Anayltics users... question for you

We track all sorts of data from users to our homepage, and to some other pages on our site. We don't track detailed statistics in an easy to use manner for users to your sites though.
I am trying to get a feel for whether screen resolutions fall out to the same proportions to pro sites as they do to our homepage. This will help us determine when/if there are few enough users at low resolutions to start making some of our designs (like shopping cart improvements) more friendly to people with larger resolutions.
I specifically ask for Analytics users, because I use it frequently and know how to easily tell people to get the data. I assume StatCounter does similar tracking, so if you have that data handy, it would be welcome as well.
I am specifically looking for the percent of users that view your site using 800x600.
How to get this data:
I am trying to get a feel for whether screen resolutions fall out to the same proportions to pro sites as they do to our homepage. This will help us determine when/if there are few enough users at low resolutions to start making some of our designs (like shopping cart improvements) more friendly to people with larger resolutions.
I specifically ask for Analytics users, because I use it frequently and know how to easily tell people to get the data. I assume StatCounter does similar tracking, so if you have that data handy, it would be welcome as well.

I am specifically looking for the percent of users that view your site using 800x600.
How to get this data:
- Log into Google analytics
- In the upper left, under "dashboards" change the "view" dropdown menu to "webmaster"
- On the left menu, this will add "Web Design Parameters"
- Click on that to open it, and then click on "Screen Resolutions"
- look on the list for 800x600 and let me know what percent of your visitors are using that resolution
Smug since 2003
Last 12 months: 5.03%
Last 06 months: 3.18%
Last 01 month: 0.00% & smugmug
Since 1/1/07, 3.03%
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4.56% since January 1, 2007.
Musings & ramblings at
6.2% over last 6 mons
fyi: 40% is 1024x768, 25% 1280x1024,the remainder is larger resolution.
April 07 5.38%
Last week: 4.55%
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
last 12 months: 6.73%
last 6 months: 4.27%
last 1 month: 2.97%
12 Months: 3.60%
6 Months: 4.15%
This month: 2.61%
last 12 months: 6.83% 1,797 visits
last 6 months: 6.93% 903 visits
last month (April): 5.10% 58 visits
last 3 months: 6.97% 359 visits
Apr 07: 5.10% 58 visits
Mar 07: 8.79% 171 vists
Feb 07: 6.28% 130 visits
Jan 07: 6.65% 179 visits
Dec 06: 6.29% 153 visits
Nov 06: 7.68% 212 visits
Oct 06: 7.59% 203 visits
Sep 06: 8.70% 205 visits
Aug 06: 6.32% 164 visits
Jul 06: 6.48% 164 visits
Jun 06: 4.59% 81 visits
May 06: 5.63% 77 visits
Phew - I'm not really sure what to make out of these, but maybe you are. Looks like it's just going up and down depending on how many people visited with no real trend
Hope this helps,
SmugMug Support Hero
Here's my last 1100 'logs' this represents about 2 days.
I believe it's a fair average but will keep checking....
(statcounter offers '100 logs/stats' free, or you pay a fee for your #/logs: page loads; I pay the 1100/logs rate)
Sample size is about 75,000 (1 month worth of data)
California Photo Scout
Travel Guides
3/15/07 - 5/6/07
Portrait, Wedding & Event Photography
800x600 5.89%
Over Last Year
800x600 7.31%
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
last 12 months: 6.46%
last 6 months: 6.01%
last month: 6.25%
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>154 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_0>65.81%</TD><TD class=pie_graph id=f_graph_pie rowSpan=10><OBJECT class=inlineimg title=Grin codeBase=,0,14,0 height=255 alt="" width="100%" data=data:application/x-oleobject;base64,IGkzJfkDzxGP0ACqAGhvEzwhRE9DVFlQRSBIVE1MIFBVQkxJQyAiLS8vVzNDLy9EVEQgSFRNTCA0LjAgVHJhbnNpdGlvbmFsLy9FTiI+DQo8SFRNTD48SEVBRD4NCjxNRVRBIGh0dHAtZXF1aXY9Q29udGVudC1UeXBlIGNvbnRlbnQ9InRleHQvaHRtbDsgY2hhcnNldD13aW5kb3dzLTEyNTIiPg0KPE1FVEEgY29udGVudD0iTVNIVE1MIDYuMDAuMjkwMC4zMDU5IiBuYW1lPUdFTkVSQVRPUj48L0hFQUQ+DQo8Qk9EWT4NCjxQPiZuYnNwOzwvUD48L0JPRFk+PC9IVE1MPg0K border=0 classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000>
</TD></TR><TR class=rank_2><TD class=text>
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>38 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_1>16.24%</TD></TR><TR class="rank_3 highlight"><TD class=text>
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>8 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_2>3.42%</TD></TR><TR class=rank_4><TD class=text>
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>7 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_3>2.99%</TD></TR><TR class="rank_5 highlight"><TD class=text>
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>7 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_4>2.99%</TD></TR><TR class=rank_6><TD class=text>
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>6 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_5>2.56%</TD></TR><TR class="rank_7 highlight"><TD class=text>
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>5 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_6>2.14%</TD></TR><TR class=rank_8><TD class=text>
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>4 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_7>1.71%</TD></TR><TR class="rank_9 highlight"><TD class=text>
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>2 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_8>0.85%</TD></TR><TR class=rank_10><TD class=text>
</TD><TD class=graph_sort>1 </TD><TD id=f_pie_pct_9>0.43</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Smugmug site
Blog Portfolio
the last 3 weeks = 2.32%
the last week = 3.11%
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Completely different look and interface for me.
Here's a taste:
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Actually, from my limited use so far, usability is up.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops