Support Requested

<HR style="COLOR: #575757" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title -->I have some clients that cannot access my galleries via my dropdown menus.
I have asked for help on this a couple times before but have been directed to the NavBar thread for help. I have not had any success getting this to work from suggestions in that thread.
The problem seems to be a setting on some browsers because the drop down menus work fine on one computer but will not work on another.
I was at a computer last evening where I seen first hand the menus NOT working. This was a fairly new computer with IE6.
My question is this: Is there a setting that in IE that would cause this?
I am about to add several galleries from a large softball tournament with several hundred photos for clients to purchase. I really need this problem fixed or completely change the way my site works and I do not want to do this considering the time I put into the navbar already.
I need someone to look into this.
I have asked for help on this a couple times before but have been directed to the NavBar thread for help. I have not had any success getting this to work from suggestions in that thread.
The problem seems to be a setting on some browsers because the drop down menus work fine on one computer but will not work on another.
I was at a computer last evening where I seen first hand the menus NOT working. This was a fairly new computer with IE6.
My question is this: Is there a setting that in IE that would cause this?
I am about to add several galleries from a large softball tournament with several hundred photos for clients to purchase. I really need this problem fixed or completely change the way my site works and I do not want to do this considering the time I put into the navbar already.
I need someone to look into this.
The Navbar help thread is volunteered by Allen, who is the community expert on this sort of code. It is extremely advanced customization, taken from a site called and all support is community-driven in the customizing forum.
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That one, we can support. The drop down, is extremely advanced, requires multiple browser hacks, and is from a site called
We didn't make it - someone else did. It's in use by many, and it is supported by the community. Allen will help, he's given hundreds and hundreds of hours of help on it to many fellow Smuggers.
You are a pro on SmugMug and we will support you like nobody else out there, on stuff we can control
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Well, what I'm trying to say is that the navbar thread is your best bet. I'm also saying that this is very advanced customization, and that we all work together to help each other out. The expert on this is on that thread (I'm definitely NOT the expert!!!).
I wish I could be of help, but I've never used that code, and I don't understand it at all. I'm just trying to point you to the water so you can take a drink.
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