What to do with this money

So...this is a forum for totally miscellaneous (sic I'm sure) nonsense, right? Ok, so I've got this money saved up, $466.25 now, and come Feb 15 $556.25, but it's killing me what to do with it. Should I
A) Save it (HA!)
Buy a Valentine 1 radar detector now and have $150 left come Feb 15
C) Buy a returned Valentine 1 now from the manufacturer and have $190 left come Feb 15
D) Buy a returned Valentine 1 now and a 7200rpm hard drive to replace a 4200rpm one come Feb 15 and have $30 left
E) Buy an ef 50 f1.4 now and have $250 left come Feb 15
F) Buy a 50 f/1.4 and a 7200rpm hard drive now and have $90 left come Feb 15
G) Buy a 100 f/2.8 macro and have $90 left come feb 15
I've been trying to decide for days and made no progress (well, I crossed bankrupt myself and get a used 17-40 off the list).
A) Save it (HA!)

C) Buy a returned Valentine 1 now from the manufacturer and have $190 left come Feb 15
D) Buy a returned Valentine 1 now and a 7200rpm hard drive to replace a 4200rpm one come Feb 15 and have $30 left
E) Buy an ef 50 f1.4 now and have $250 left come Feb 15
F) Buy a 50 f/1.4 and a 7200rpm hard drive now and have $90 left come Feb 15
G) Buy a 100 f/2.8 macro and have $90 left come feb 15
I've been trying to decide for days and made no progress (well, I crossed bankrupt myself and get a used 17-40 off the list).
See question below (first post in thread 5 votes
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"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Save a bit more and buy a nice lens, or a nice printer! As to the Feb 15.. who cares
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
16-35 2.8 (I had thought 17-40, but after seeing a comparison I would never be happy with the 17-40) to replace my 18-55 kit
50 1.4
24-70 2.8
sigma 120-300 2.8
100 2.8 macro
a 1D mkII (this one I know is a long time in the future, I'll probably get one when they're 4 years old, or maybe break down and get a 1D Mk1 sooner).
Here's what I have now:
dReb with grip, 18-55 kit, 70-200 2.8L, 1.4x sigma TC, 2x canon Mk 1 TC, and various little accessories (and a Kiev 4 rangefinder!).
And for Tims comment, it wouldn't be slowing down, it would be continuing to take my chances if I go for the glass.
I still can't decide. Argh, it shouldn't be this hard.
Every time you drive somewhere and don't get a ticket, you could put 250.00 in the bank for a lens,
I just think this is funny as I wanted an iPod, speakers for it, and our TV won't even show DVDs anymore.
But I am a driven mad person.........lenses, lenses.
Oh, my camera, it is great. But the LCD screen doesn't look anything like Lynn's photos with the 50 1.4. (It is raining here, too.)
gotta go to the post office and feed the totally uncooporative models:dogs.
ginger (not in that order)
Gotta start somewhere. Remember, Einstien called compounded interest the eighth wonder of the world for a good reason.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjurasz/
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"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson