SF1 - candidates

I've been struggling with time and inspiration to come up with a worthy submission for the semifinal. I'd appreciate your input as to which one you prefer - and why, if you care to elaborate. 













I'm not so sure about 1-3. The misty feeling is nice but it seems to lack contrast.
In #6 the foreground appears to be lit - but it doesn't create an interesting effect, whereas it would make for a stronger image if the sun lit up the valley instead.
Hope this helps!
some struggle
#2 is very nice but it needs "pop"
#s 4,5,6 are all exelent esp. #6
in the end I vote 6
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Of all these #4 is my favorite. I would crop it tighter (in from the left) and not worry about the well on the right. It would better offset the church and the tree and boil the image down to its essence - church, tree and sky. There is a small problem however with the sloping ground at the base of the church, to me it tends to make the building look like it's tilting forward down the hill. If you rotate image clockwise, then the horizon would be thrown off. Not sure if this is a big deal, and not sure it could be corrected either. The bare ground is also unattractive, which could be fixed in PS.
I understand the perspective in #5 with the fence, and the light/color on the building is better because of position, but it's the wrong side of the building showing unfortunately. A tighter crop would help.
It takes Comcast to eval these images...
I like the sense of fog and some of the linears which came subtly out in the shots.
But, I find the 3rds rule could be more strictly adhered to; then the emphasis would be stronger.
Of the shots, I like the one with the well in front of the church...
I could not tell if you were able to PS for more subtle blends...
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I said I was struggling.
Thanks again for your feedback!
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Thanks! As I said before, the original photos were totally uncontrasty and these are already heavily post-processed. I do find it interesting that the feedback about #6 that I got from my friends and colleagues has varied from wow to nothing special.
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I struggled with the pop. The photos were taken before dawn, it was dark and the fields with the mist were quite a distance below the hill where I was shooting from.
The fisheye lens and its effects - sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. It's almost impossible to avoid the building looking like they are going to topple over
And now that you mention it, I do have some tighter crops of the chapel:
Do these seem better?
My head is spinning from looking at all these misty and HDR photos!
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First of all, what is Comcast?
I know - I don't always follow the rule of the thirds as I don't think this is always necessary to achieve the desired effect. Could you please tell me which photos, in your opinion, would benefit from it more?
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Hope that helps! Good luck!
#4, with enhanced skies and mayby less ground.
Great series otherwise.
So picturesque:-)
I know I've seen better from you, just keep waking up for those sunrises and I'm sure you'll get "lucky".
For the landscape shots, try saturating your reds and yellows just a little to see if that adds a little more "pop" to them. And, if the color version doesn't work, try B&W.
I hate to say it but I agree. I do like the zoomed-in hilltop version better but it still isn't quite there. Play to your strengths, which are many!
Thanks! I've been considering cropping the bottom off #5 and see if it grabs me more.
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I'll play around with the photos some more and try different crops. I haven't tried a portrait crop yet, so thanks for the idea!
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My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
I agree about the pop. The thing is that predawn photos of mist can never be contrasty and full of color - and I was hoping that maybe a more subtle approach might work. But human eye is usually attracted to strong colors and contrast, so a subtle photo really needs to be extraordinary in order to appeal to the viewers. I'm still torn as to what to enter, but I do have a couple of days to either produce something new or sleep on the photos that I already have and then decide.
Thanks again and good luck to you too!
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My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
Nik, thanks!
I've been telling people for a long time that Slovenia is a great destination for photographers.
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My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
As for the saturation, believe me, I did that to the extent I almost never do.
SmugMug Support Hero Manager
My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
Thanks, Tom! I would play to my strengths if only I had more time to go out and shoot some more photos and if only the weather cooperated!
I'll go through my photos again and see if something comes to me.
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My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
It may make things more complicated, but I actually like #1 best, and wouldn't want more 'pop'. I like the dreamy, fairytale look of the image. I think it would loose that with more pop.
#5 would be my second choice. Nice color, I like the wide angle effect. #4 is missing something compared to #5 I think.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I like misty shots. Sadly, they not so easy to find this time of year in California; things are pretty dry. The easiest way I know to make them work is to put something close enough in the forground to give that you get a true black point. That black point serves as a reference to anchor the shot so the rest of the scene can be as misty as you'd like.
I very quickly looked at your ideas and like #5 the best.
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
I like #5 the best. I guess I just don't like looking down at the main subject of the photo, as in the chapel shots.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.