When Politics Fail - Please help me choose - SF1

I saw the judges site and don't think that the Chicken Nugget Wannabes will be appreciated :rofl
I took this set of photos today. Which do you like best? Are any of them contenders? Thanks.






#7 - Chicken Nugget Wannabes ! (Just in case you'd forgotten)

#8 - Chicken Nugget Wannabes ! (Close up, just in case you wanted to see more clearly)

#9 - Monster Cat

I took this set of photos today. Which do you like best? Are any of them contenders? Thanks.






#7 - Chicken Nugget Wannabes ! (Just in case you'd forgotten)

#8 - Chicken Nugget Wannabes ! (Close up, just in case you wanted to see more clearly)

#9 - Monster Cat

I'm not a pro, but I'll point you to this shot so you can see what I mean. There's no fancy Photoshopping in this image -the light painted the scene for me: http://dalantech.smugmug.com/photos/51690373-L-1.jpg
You don't need lighting that's that dramatic -but it wouldn't hurt to get close...
Edit: One last thing: IMHO most, if not all, of the new shots suffer from too much depth of field. The "perspective shots" would be a lot better if the leading cross where the only one that's in focus. An obvious title for any of those shots, and one that would have a lot of impact, would be "Sacrifice".
Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
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I like you're thinking, but it just came across to me as "wrong time of day" images. A little creative post processing perhaps?...
P.S. Check out the photo filter effects in Photoshop. I'm not saying that it can take the place of shooting in better light, but the warming filters might be just the trick for those shots...
Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.