Filenumber keywords

Paging Pat Kane:
How do you handle this? :ear
SmugMug Customer wrote:
I use the year, job number and image number sequence for my filenames. The 60th job done in 2007 with an image number of 1003 would be 07060_1003. When someone orders and image from me directly I know the year, the job number and the image number. Sometimes you search will find the image, sometimes not. Seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. How do I make this number into something you search will find. Been doing it this way for over 20 years so if I am going to change it has to make sense to me and my long time clients.
How do you handle this? :ear
Are you putting captions into the images as well? If not, are you telling smugmug to use the file name for the caption? This might be why you're having success on some occassions and not others.
Can you automate your routine to embed the filename as an IPTC keyword, preferably surrounded with double quotes? e.g., "07060_1003" with the quotes would be a keyword.
I think this last option would probably work and be the most consistent with how search works. smugmug has some logic to create keywords from the filename; however, it usually ignores the numbers. By putting the filename in quotes for a keyword, I think your searches will work.
Experiment and please let us know what works.
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Yes, I am using the filename as a caption and tried the quoted keyword of the number filename and it still does not find it. I may be doing something wrong but the method doesn't seem to work.
welcome to dgrin!
Could you give us a link to a gallery where you tried that? Maybe someone else has an idea by looking at it.
SmugMug Support Hero
Two thoughts on why it might not be working for you:
1) sometimes it takes a while for search to index the images, i.e., come back later and try it
2) keywords don't support the full character set and the underscore is one character that doesn't "stick"
Understanding the above, I can get it to work.
I input the following as a keyword: "07060_1003"
Under the image, the keyword is shown as 070601003
NOTICE that the underline character has been dropped by smugmug. smugmug doesn't like some of the other characters either, as I use the # sign for jersey numbers and it gets dropped as well.
I searched for 070601003 (not 07060_1003) and the image was found.
OK, it isn't exactly what you're used too, but hopefully this isn't too major of a deal to work around.
Give it another try and let us know.
I entered 07060_1003 into the caption (w/out quotes) and was able to search on 07060_1003 (with the underscore) to find the image.
It sounds like this works for you as well w/ some exceptions. I don't have enough experience w/ searching captions to know why it might be hit or miss.
Let me put it as two items:
First, can VISITORS to a PRIVATE site search by filename or caption? My tests show that visitors can only be successful searching by keyword, is that how it should be?
Second, I've followed the the instructions on making a number a keyword using quotes. I can not make it so a Visitor can find a photo by searching by a number that I have made into a keyword using the quotes system. In these cases the keyword I want to create is the filename, a number - does this account for the difficulty? Is it possible to make a "number" keyword a Visitor to a Private site can search for?
To expand the sceond question, I've created a series of psuedofile names, using the quote system, such as "A20075000Z" and made them keywords. I can see these in the keyword list on the private site, but a visitor can not search for them.
Visitors are able to search for non-numeric keywords successfully, but not any with number type i've designed. (motorsports)
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Try checking your SmugIslands settings, both globally and per gallery. They can affect whether search works or not.
Also, for my private site (site password w/ public galleries), search has seemed buggy lately. First search for "picnic" returns nothing. But if I reload, the galleries with that name show up. Bizarre. I'd have you guys try it, but yeah, private site, sorry. I reported it to though.