File transfer
I want to allow downloads of the originals under commercial category. But it keeps making me enter a price. I'm using this to communicate with the graphic artist who is geographically very far away. Emails won't work due to the limits.
I have created a gallery called FTP. I've set zeros for all except the hi-res large prints.
However it seems that this is all wrong. Could someone please help me? All I want to to allow my graphic artist to be able to download files to work on.
I have created a gallery called FTP. I've set zeros for all except the hi-res large prints.
However it seems that this is all wrong. Could someone please help me? All I want to to allow my graphic artist to be able to download files to work on.
So, if I understand correctly, you want the graphic artist to be able to download your originals without paying, correct? If that is correct, just set your gallery settings to enable originals, and turn protection off (both settings in your gallery tools), and they will be able to mouse over the image on the right and click the save photo button. That will get them the original file. No need to use the shopping cart if you are not selling these particular items.
Maybe I've misunderstood ??
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Hi Barb,
Nope that's exactly what I want to do ie get the files to the graphic artist.
I won't go the shopping cart route. Thanks!!!