go PRO?
right now I am a Power User,
I want to start selling my prints on line and I want to be able to decide what price they shuld be purchased for.
Do I need to go Pro for that feature, or I can do that in Power User too?
also, Do I need to create a Pay Pal account too?
How does it work? Does Smugmug gets the costumers money and then they send it to me?
I am in Canada, can I still use this or I need to be in the US?
I want to start selling my prints on line and I want to be able to decide what price they shuld be purchased for.
Do I need to go Pro for that feature, or I can do that in Power User too?
also, Do I need to create a Pay Pal account too?
How does it work? Does Smugmug gets the costumers money and then they send it to me?
I am in Canada, can I still use this or I need to be in the US?
Hi Danilo!
With a Pro-account you can set your own print-prices. Smugmug gets 15% of the profit (price - printcosts), you keep 85%. Smugmug gets the customers' payments and handles the printing process and any customer service issues. They send you checks.
You have to request Smugmug to send you payments. If you need to pay taxes here in the USA, you have to fill out a W-9 form for tax purposes that you then need to send/fax to Smugmug before you can receive any checks from Smugmug. For foreign smugmuggers, there is an alternative way of doing this (i can't remember exactly what).
You can find more info here:
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Does smugmug take care of the S&H and if so, the cost of it is included in the 15%?
The customer pays for shipping only, not for handling. The cost depends on what type of shipping the customers chooses. Handling is included in the 15%.
- You first make sure that Smugmug can send you payments (W-9 form and such).
- You set up your prices of your prints/gifts/digital-downloads ($0.00 if you do not offer a certain gift/print-size/etc).
- A customer buys one or more prints from you and pays the prices you have set.
- Up on check-out, the customer chooses the shipping method and pays for it (prints + shipping)
- You will get a confirmation e-mail as well, so that you can act upon it, if you wish (e.g. a thank-you note, or something).
- The customer will receive a confirmation e-mail as well and later, after the prints ship, a tracking number (if shipping method allows for it).
- You will receive 85% of the profit and this money will be put into your Smugmug account. Smugmug then sends checks to you from this account when you have accumulated a certain minimum amount or on a regular schedule (see help-pages for more info).
- If issues arrise, the customer e-mails Smugmug to get things resolved. It won't cost you a thing to have prints re-printed, for example (http://www.smugmug.com/prints/our-guarantee.mg).
Read the help-pages for more specific info.
Note that Smugmug can only send checks when paying you. I'm not sure, but i read somewhere on dgrin that they are busy setting up other types of payments (direct deposit, paypal(?), http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=64256).
-- Anton Spaans.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
so nice to run into you again!
So, although I am in canada, I still have to pay taxes to US?are we sure about that?
i dind t find anything on the foreign topic....
Hi Danilo,
I'm doing well. I enjoyed the course from PPSOP!
About taxes:
This depends on your own unique situation. If you have your business here in the USA, i.e. if you are a USA resident/entity for tax purposes, then you have to fill out that W-9 form.
If you are not a USA resident, then you have to do this (snippet from http://www.smugmug.com/help/reporting):
International photographers:
If you can email us with the information that you meet these three criteria, we won't need a USA tax form from you:
1. You are not a citizen of the USA.
2. You do not live in the USA.
3. You do not have a business presence in the USA.
Notifying us of those circumstances clears us to mail your checks. Checks are payable in US dollars.
In short, it depends on where you currently pay your taxes. If you pay the IRS, a W-9 form is necessary. If you pay taxes to another country, you probably should declare your Smugmug income to their tax revenue services.
(i am not a tax professional or an accountant... this message is just for informational purposes; i may be wrong only partially or even completely
-- Anton Spaans.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
so that explains my questions.
thank you Anton, and keep up your great photography work!