Any suggestions for computer monitor?
Hi everyone,
Today my 21 inch Dell CRT monitor died; after 10 years of great use. Now, I need a new one for graphics (futures charts-I trade) and photographs. Any suggestions? LCD or CRT? Brand? Thank you.
Kindest Regards,
Today my 21 inch Dell CRT monitor died; after 10 years of great use. Now, I need a new one for graphics (futures charts-I trade) and photographs. Any suggestions? LCD or CRT? Brand? Thank you.
Kindest Regards,
You didn't mention a price limit, so my suggestion is going to be what anyone editing pictures should have. As far as CRT vs. LCD, there is no question: LCD. LCDs can do more colors and do them more accurately than CRTs, they don't flicker, they are more economical, you won't get irradiated watching them too close, and in general, they are just better... As far as what I'd get for a new monitor, if I needed one today and money wasn't an issue...
$2500, 21.3" diagonal, 1600 x 1200 resolution graphical tablet - The Cintiq 21UX Pro.
I use a tablet PC, and wouldn't want to go back to editing pics or doing any sort of digital drawing or painting using anything but a graphical tablet.
If you want something more traditional, I really don't have anything more specific than LCD to suggest, though if you want a brand, I have never had an NEC (CRT or LCD) die on me.
I agree on the LCD, I have the Dell 24" model and love it. When I look at a little 19" I think how can someone work on that, it is so small. Go big! I actually want to get another one to work side by side with. I am very happy with it.
Nikon D2X l D2XS l and alot of Nikon glass...
Nikon D2X l D2XS l and alot of Nikon glass...
Thank you both for all the information.
Kindest Regards,
As for which ones, well LaCie are the gold standard, and cost it. Also take a look at NEC, some Samsungs, ViewSonic's Graphics or Pro series. From what I've read I'd actually avoid Dells now--apparently is Russian Roulette whether you get one with a good panel in it or not, regardless of the model number. Apple's are well though of as well, and work on PCs (I just refuse to give them any money).
I would like to see the new Lacie 526 , about $2000. It should be available soon.
my monitor did not die, I just wish it would.
Thanks for the thread and the input!
I'll let you know how I do.
Good luck!
In the end I went for a Sony 26" TV
How did you calibrate that?
-Fleetwood Mac
If accurate color correction is an issue, a 12 bit monitor is a necessity.
We use Eizo's and LaCie's.
you could also check out the NEC SpectraView 1990.