New MacBook Pro Setup Suggestions Needed

What are the major setup items for configuring my new MacBook Pro? I have calibrated both my LED screen on the laptop and my external 24" Dell FP using Spyder 2. I used a gamma of 2.2 per all the various threads I have seen here. Are there any known issues using the Spyder 2 on the new 15" LED screens? Colorvision's website didn't show any.
I am going to transfer via my network the photo files (RAW, PSD, JPEG) from my PC to my Mac for CS3. Any suggestions on where to put them on the Mac so Lightroom, Bridge and PS CS3 can see them?
I have installed but not setup either CS3 or LR1.1 on the Mac. I am coming from PS 6, 7, CS, & CS2 on a PC, so I am comfortable with using Adobe 1998 (and converting to sRGB for the web). I know I need to get profiles for the Mac for the various papers (Ilford, Inkpress, etc) and printers I use, plus setup the printers. Any other 'gotchas' to look out for?
Are there any significant Preferences I need to be aware of in CS3 or LR, that are just different on a Mac vs. PC, or since I am moving from CS2 to CS3?
Since I only have about 128 GB free HD space on the Mac, I am going to hook up a 400 GB Seagate drive for file storage and use the local drive for only 'current projects' or when I am traveling. Are there any issues doing this, specifically with LR since I barely know it? Backups are taken care of.
And since I am going to try and learn/use LR (mainly for cataloging and management, not tweaking), are there any suggestions on integration/workflow with Bridge and CS3?
Finally, have I completely forgotten or overlooked anything? I do apologize for the length of this post, but I did a lot of searching on these forums, Apple's and Adobe's website. Hopefully I haven't been too redundant!:whew
Oh yeah, and the MPB is just plain....well....pretty!
Or at least pretty cool!! :cavig
I am going to transfer via my network the photo files (RAW, PSD, JPEG) from my PC to my Mac for CS3. Any suggestions on where to put them on the Mac so Lightroom, Bridge and PS CS3 can see them?
I have installed but not setup either CS3 or LR1.1 on the Mac. I am coming from PS 6, 7, CS, & CS2 on a PC, so I am comfortable with using Adobe 1998 (and converting to sRGB for the web). I know I need to get profiles for the Mac for the various papers (Ilford, Inkpress, etc) and printers I use, plus setup the printers. Any other 'gotchas' to look out for?
Are there any significant Preferences I need to be aware of in CS3 or LR, that are just different on a Mac vs. PC, or since I am moving from CS2 to CS3?
Since I only have about 128 GB free HD space on the Mac, I am going to hook up a 400 GB Seagate drive for file storage and use the local drive for only 'current projects' or when I am traveling. Are there any issues doing this, specifically with LR since I barely know it? Backups are taken care of.
And since I am going to try and learn/use LR (mainly for cataloging and management, not tweaking), are there any suggestions on integration/workflow with Bridge and CS3?
Finally, have I completely forgotten or overlooked anything? I do apologize for the length of this post, but I did a lot of searching on these forums, Apple's and Adobe's website. Hopefully I haven't been too redundant!:whew
Oh yeah, and the MPB is just plain....well....pretty!
Or at least pretty cool!! :cavig
"Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. Oh well."
-Fleetwood Mac
-Fleetwood Mac
Shameless bump after 2 days, hoping to stoke some sort of positive ideas
-Fleetwood Mac
You want to know general stuff? Or PS/LR specific stuff? There's not much, but i have a few favorite utilities and apps...
They can see them anywhere, but your Pictures folder is a good start.
I don't know of any preferences differences in Adobe products. But sometimes you'll find that Mac system preferences can conflict when it comes to keyboard shortcuts. IIRC it's specifically the Universal Access prefs that can override a couple of Adobe shortcuts. But those are easily changed if it proves to be a problem.
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Thanks for responding David. PS/LR specific. I am very comfortable with my PS on a PC. It is the LR I am concerned about and conflicts it may have with my PS setup since that will be new for me.
I was going to go for my picture directory since that seemed the most logical. But most logical is often not the correct answer. I just don't want to paint myself into a corner where I can't "undo" something.
-Fleetwood Mac