LPS9 freedom or security

Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither

Hopefully this doesn't stir too much controversy, but I've always though that idea was a very important one. No flags were harmed in this production.

Hopefully this doesn't stir too much controversy, but I've always though that idea was a very important one. No flags were harmed in this production.
Very cool!
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
To me, this image certainly doesn't express Freedom, and the Oppression it tries to convey simply does not exist except in the minds of a certain few.
Aside from that, however, it is certainly a well composed, taken, and finished photograph!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I'm game for political debate.
And I don't fully understand what you are trying to say with this photograph.
It's well done, I just can't figure out which side of the fence you fall.
Am I the only one?!
It's not a strict interpretation of the oppression theme, but maybe more of fear of losing freedom theme. My guess is we probably disagree on some things in this area politically, but probably not as much as you'd think. I love America and what it stands for, which is why I fear losing freedom that it offers. Coming from the former Soviet Union, some things I see happening are very disturbing to me.
Anyhow, thanks for the review of the photo.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I think the title (hopefully) describes what I'm trying to illustrate.
As far as political debate, lately, it tends to disintegrate into chaos entirely too quickly for my taste. So I will try to stay away from it. (Probably not the best photo to do that, but this is what popped into my head so there it is)
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I'm not sure a contest is the wisest place for that? But I like the image a lot, whatever my personal political sentiment
In my mind, we are free as long as we don't step over the invisible line created by those in power (The Great White Father). Cuz when we do and they do not agree, they pull out the belt and want to whoop their childrens (american people) butts for not following the rules... (but that is my opinion) Oh Great White Father forgive me for not behaving... OK OK is my Indianness showing again...:D .:giggle
As far as the tecs are concerned, they are very good, what the judges will see is another story, now that I've read all the threads about "international" judges...!
Good Luck with whichever you choose...did I say NICE PHOTO..
We spent a lot of time in the threads after LPS8 discussing how images of fireworks in early July might express one thing to an American, then express something unintended, or not anything at all, to someone from just about any other country on the planet. Along those lines, this image is the type that can also be misinterpreted either way. It's similar to how both the images of the naked kid carrying the flag and the howitzer pointed at the flag will be interpreted, either with proud emotion by Americans or with a yawn, or perhaps even a fist-pump, by non-Americans. This image will both mystify and stir rage on both sides of that coin.
I'm not debating politics here at all, so be careful that you don't assume that I have one opinion or another. I'm fully capable of seeing the image with a good measure of maturity, and I'd shake your hand and give you a hug anytime!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Awww Heck HC, I'll give ya a hug, even though your avatar looks like Custer...lololol
Politics aside, I have anally studied the whole LPS series, and these images just don't win, even if we do stretch and learn from them. Enter them if you like, but don't complain about slanted judges afterward! Less than 72 hours to go, and I still have no idea...... Oh for a park in Shanghai!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
That all said, if you're in the contest to win, I guess you should take into consideration the views mentioned here that will come into play with judging.
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Correct quote by Benjamin F is Apart from that I love the picture.
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Now we're talking!
And thanks, Tentacion, for joining the ranks of the confused. Confusion loves company!
HC, Redford has nothin' on you!
That may or may not be the case in America, I can't comment though I have some knowledge of the Patriot Act, but it's certainly happening in the UK.
Of course the great irony is that those who seek to change our way of life by threatening our security succeed every time another of our civil liberties is eroded by our leaders (though I appreciate it's a difficult balancing act.)
Great image as well by the way, very well done!
With that said, it seems to me that no matter how you look at it, this photo hits the theme dead on! It also seems to be very well done, is interesting to look at, and IMHO would make a great entry.
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Hi Charlie:
So are you saying.....that what I stated in my earlier thread... Pyro has put into a composition?? lol
I don't know exactly how things are in the US but in the UK we've experienced over the last 10 years a sustained and surreptitious attack on our civil liberties under the guise of protecting our security.
Here's a link to a very strong article, it goes into great detail and you might find it a little lengthy, but it's worth a scan through for the details:-
Perhaps the nadir of this creeping state control was when an 82 year old lifetime supporter of the Labour Party was recently man handled by stewards and detained by police under the prevention of terrorism act whilst attending a speech given by our Foreign Secretary.
His crime, heckling the speaker. Video
Anyway, back to photography, Pyro's image sums this whole sorry state of affairs up for me in a very clever way, the flag could easily be replaced by the Union Jack and carry the same message for me.
And I do get the message clearly, the USA is imprisoned, or oppressed. In a weird sort of Rorschach way, it even sort of looks like the flag is shaped like the USA. The image doesn't conjure up the title in my mind. It also doesn't conjure up oppression, but instead imprisonment. It will be a great entry anyway. This is afterall an art-creation forum, not an art-appreciation forum, but we all get a bit of both.
Lest folks get the idea that I'm some sort of bigoted knee-jerk conservative from this state that starts everything but never finishes anything, I spoke out publicly to get the confederate flag remomve from our state house, voted consistently for officials who would finally recognize Martin Luther King day, and did NOT vote for this current administration. As someone who does for some reason still feel a bit traditional about the display and treatment of the flag, I do realize that we've fought many wars to preserve the very freedom that is being exercised here. You may do it all day long, but I reserve that can of [EMAIL="hwoop@$$"]hwoop@$$[/EMAIL] in my cupboard for any offspring of mine who do it! Thankfully, it continues to collect dust up there....:deadhorse This point in my mind now considered "hoove's to heaven." (written in an Upstate Carolina drawl!)
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I didn't think you were
To: everyone, thanks for your comments
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Hey Pyro...you know when you think about it....you must have a GREAT Composition ..cuz look at all the emotions, and feedback, which your composition has set in motion, AND isn't that what it is all about....and in the words of Al Pacino....."Whoooohah"
Good Luck with your Entry...I'm sure, I'll see it in the TOP Ten...(at least that is my prediction)...
Take Care
Thanks =c)
I guess so far the feedback has been either "I agree with you and that's a great picture" or "I disagree with you, but that's a great picture", which gives me hope. Quite frankly I'm surprised myself at how it came out
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
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Just wanted to add that I think this is an incredible photo and, currently, my top choice for this round. I hope you'll indulge us with a behind-the-scenes post when you win.
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Thanks, I guess since you asked, I will. Hopefully it won't kill the magic
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seems like a top ten to me...