>>> LPS#9 Feedback Thread

Shay StephensShay Stephens Registered Users Posts: 3,165 Major grins
edited July 29, 2007 in The Dgrin Challenges
I mentioned this before, but I was very impressed at the creativity and thought that went into the entries this round. Bravo to you all. The progress and talent is becoming very evident. And to think, we are only about half way through this contest!

At long last my feedback is done, thank you for your patience...

Post# - Photog - Title
2 - tsk1979 -Second skin
A very topical subject that does grab ones attention. I like the crop too, very complimentary to the shot.

3 - lbphotography -Bound
I like the lighting, almost as if it is coming from a little cell window. The bindings look a little loose though, which can detract from the "suspension of disbelief" for the viewer. And maybe grungeing up the hands a bit to play the part a little closer.

4 - mycaptures -The World Is Against Her
I don't see much expression personally. Had there been a little more context, the source of the oppression, it might help. The overexposure isn't doing anything for me either. I can't see how it fits with the mood.

5 - VisualXpressions -Red Pill Blue Pill
Love it. Theme wise, it hit me as "choice" rather than "freedom", but I still love it. Great stuff.

6 - Janie -A Hard Master
The dog kind of looks a little sad, and I can by the reflection the dog is looking at someone. But aside from that I am not getting anything from the shot that makes me feel freedom or oppression. Don't these dogs always look this way?

7 - Llywellyn -Schooled
I like the concept. I am wondering if changing the dynamics might make it stronger. Right now the subject is scolding the viewer. But without knowing why, I don't really feel oppressed. Maybe if there was an added head (or enough of a part of one) to suggest that someone else was getting scolded and we were watching that. Empathy might kick in for the viewer and more of an oppressed feeling may develop. Watch the focus too, it is down in the sleeve area which is suboptimal and pulls attention away from that scolding finger.

8 - vandana -"Don't fence me in"
That little eye back there says volumes through those gripping hands. Loved it!!!

9 - Madrid -Free Me From My Thoughts
A good shot for a headache ad. I feel head pain, but I don't naturally get the connection with mental thoughts causing oppression. I don't know if you could have eluded to that through something in the background to help provide that context.

10 - Harleycowgirl -UNJUST COERCION
The hands help me get a sense of oppression, but I get a strong trapped feeling than anything. The texturing makes me feel that this is something that happened long ago too. Like the subject might even be fossilized.

11 - tlee -Speak No Evil
Love the concept. This one got me thinking about many interpretations of oppression. It was one of my first picks. In the end though there was a disconnect for me in the eyes and hand in relation to the mouth being gone. I can see that there would be frustration and resignation in such a situation, but that leaves a feeling of frustration and resignation more than a feeling of oppression. If she were fighting it a little, oppression might come across stronger than it is currently.

12 - Tentacion -Her Choice
Dueling subjects here, the hat and the shirt are fighting to provide the same message. Picking one would make that stand out much stronger.

13 - sherstone -Run for it!
This was also one of my first picks. I pick up a strong feeling of freedom right away, but it looks just a tad sterile. If there was some kind of danger (cooking, animal, etc) that they were getting away from, it would be stronger for me, adding a little life and realism. Love the crop.

14 - Pat664422 -Up, Up and Away!

15 - SunsetSailor -Big Brother's Eyes
Looks like someone is watching the watcher. But the scene doesn't look very menacing. The truck going by, seemingly unaware of the camera leaves no sense of danger. The camera could be a light post, and if it were, the photo would not be very interesting. Perhaps a closer zoom with a more menacing angle to a car might make that feeling of oppression stronger. Make that camera look evil rather than benign!

16 - indiegirl -"...can't find a better man..."
I talk a lot about context, and this is a perfect example of it in action. The expression on the woman says it all, and with the raging man in the background, the expression on the woman means even more. Very moving photo!!!

17 - Eric&Susan -Freedom of the open road
I like the idea, but the camera angle is so high that the viewer doesn't get that babies perspective of heading out. Getting lower, closer to the point of view of the child will help the viewer connect on an empathetic level to feel more keenly the possible freedom he might be experiencing.

18 - PaulThomasMcKee -workin' for The Man
Love the setup and idea. But this says overwhelmed to me more than oppressed. That might be picking at nits, but a boss in the background, or comically a boss in a framed photo scowling, might make that feeling of oppression take a more prominent place.

19 - LiquidAir -A Glimpse
Love the setup. The only thing that pulls me out of it is the clothing. But other than that a lovely photo.

20 - imax -Caged
This may sound odd, but it looks like a bored child in a very large shopping cart. I think for me more context would help. As is, the gauge of the wire looks about the same as a shopping cart. And I often see bored kids inside of shopping carts. So without any other context to skew my perceptions somewhere else, that is what I see. Maybe have the kid looking like they are sewing a garment or putting a shoe together or some other added imagery that would solidify the idea that these wires are meant to oppress and they are not merely a window to the world or safety barrier.

21 - nelsonstuff -"Adverse Conditions"
Very cool scene and love the crop. But this really speaks more of danger or menace, or bravery than oppression for me. Oppressive heat maybe, but I think we would need to see some firefighters to feel that.

22 - Peter Dumont -Gasmask anyone ?
This would be stronger for me if there was less visibility of the clothing racks, and more emphasis on the gas masks and person wearing it, or donning it, or otherwise interacting with them. With the clothing racks, I loose the sense of danger, and with the feeling of oppression.

23 - robster -4 Noncombatant Casualities
The dead can't experience oppression, so right off the bat I am having a tough time relating to the photo.

25 - pyroPrints.com -Those who would give up Essential Liberty...
Very well done, I could see this easily illustrating the cover of a magazine. The only thing I can think of an editor might ask for is to see a version without the lock. I like it without the lock, but the lock does add a bit of meaning too.

26 - Greensquared -Kitty Torture
OMG hahaha. Love it! Framing seems a bit off, but the photo is awesome.

27 - photman -Look the way you want
I don't get it. Where is she looking? Why is this so close up? There is something important missing, some form of visual context that would clue the viewer in as to what is happening and why this photo was taken.

28 - Debboggy -"The Escape"
Wow, this photo is classic. Love it!

29 - Nikolai -Libertad!
Bold and powerful look! In the bitter end, the message was a bit conflicted for me. It was a contest between oppression and resistance. In the end, resistance won. Uprising, courage, sacrifice were the thoughts that this photo made me feel. I think if at least one of those wires were not in the hand but down and against the flesh, there would be more oppression coming through.

30 - gundermann -Ambiguity
Is the barbed wire oppressing the wood paneling? I am not feeling oppressed as a viewer, because with the wall up, I couldn't go that way anyway. Maybe if I knew what was on the other side that I were being kept away from.

31 - fmkjr -"Adventure time" - White dress; no problem!
Well your title describes the photo well. I pick up the feeling of adventure, but unfortunately, not so much freedom. Adventure, imagination, youth are my strongest reactions to seeing the photo. With the down looking angle too, the feeling of freedom is restricted. More of the scene might have helped with a feeling of space and freedom to move about in it.

32 - clovisguy -Die, fly
Hehehe, poor fly. Danger, thy name is boot! Love the concept and execution. The context is all there and everything. But oppression doesn't stand out as much as danger, payback, or revenge.

33 - hurricanesteve -Behind Enemy Lines
Wow! Very believable. Well done.

34 - Felicia -Faith
The overriding message that I get is devotion. But I am not feeling the theme.

35 - menebo -The Power of Fear
I liked your original version, but this one is by far the best. Outstanding. And interestingly it covers both themes very well. Freedom in the child's actions, and oppression in the reactions to those actions. This is one of those photos that really is worth a thousand words. Brilliant!

36 - amy wilburn -birds of a feather stuck together
I think I need to see the birds straining against their bonds somehow. But with them sitting contentedly in the center, I loose the feeling of oppression.

37 - Tessa HD -The Truth
I like the concept, but if you saw this as a thumbnail or from far away, you would not be able to make out the words and the impact drops to zero until you can get to a point of being able to read the words. And being that it is only words that make up the context, it could be a bit too conceptual of an idea rather than visual.

38 - polyvios_s -Let Me Out!
hehehe, I can't help but to think of a scene in Titanic. And thus the theme of oppression is ruined for me.

39 - pemmett -When will it end?
Is he watching a children's school play? That would be very oppressive indeed, but we would need to be able to tell that that is what was going on. Providing a context of what is doing the oppressing is as important as showing the oppressed.

40 - Agila -Freedom
Birds in flight always remind me of freedom. And I love your angle here. Leading my eye up high like that just adds to the feeling of freedom.

41 - stirfry -Lori Meyers Used to Live Upstairs
I get the message of working, illegal, and maybe even dangerous, but I don't get freedom. The stylized look give a bit of a menacing look too which seems a bit confusing to the intended message of freedom (if I am assuming that correctly).

42 - MrsCue -Incognito
Hmm, I get a feeling of danger or maybe intrigue, but there is not enough to go on for me to get a feeling of freedom or oppression. The subject kind of looks like a spy, and typically they operate in environments that are not free. I might infer that there is an agency of oppression making the spying necessary, but the subject might just be a someone adjusting their hat too.

43 - shatch -I Can't Breathe!
The photo is not coming up for me right now and I don't remember what it looked like.

44 - SaltFork -Asphalt is so Overrated
Sweet photo! In the end though it came across as "relaxing" more strongly than "freedom" for me, though that view put up a good fight.

45 - adrian_k -I know what it means to me. What does it mean to you?
The composition feels in limbo land, not close enough to share the freedom with the sailors, and not far enough away to see the boat fully enjoying the space. And that boat in the background detracts from the feeling of out in the wild blue yonder freedom. It is too close visually to the boat in the foreground.

46 - HoofClix -Breezin'On In
Nice crop, very complimentary to the action, and having that space behind the horse is very suggestive of speed as is the camera-panned motion blur. But where it fails for me is it looks like a competition going on, so the feeling of freedom does not materialize for me, and without a challenger in view, oppression does not suggest itself to me either. But I do like the photo.

47 - drdane -Free at Last!

48 - Travis -"Timeout: A Child's Dream, A Parent's Nightmare"
Very cute and clever. I am afraid I don't quite get it though. No doubt a failing on my part. I see elements that fit but somehow it just doesn't make a final set for me.

49 - chertioga -marriage
I am getting messages of love, commitment, and even tenderness, which would also exclude a cynics view of oppression. So for me it doesn't hit the theme.

50 - leaforte -Speaking My Peace
I do perhaps get a feeling of oppression in what is being protested against, but that is more conceptual than visual. What I see is protest, disagreement, and resistance. So the message of the photo doesn't quite fit for me.

51 - Xia_Ke -Proselytization
Proselytism is an active pursuit done by people, so to fit the title, we would need to see people perhaps leaving the church or maybe entering it. The building as is, and as beautiful a shot as it is, doesn't quite hit me for the theme. If freedom was intended we might see the effects of that freedom on people. If oppression were intended, we might see a more menacing facade or some form of dejected person feeling the oppressive effects somehow. The framing could be moved down to allow more ground and a tad less sky to help ground the shot too.

52 - saurora -ADOPTION (A Lifesaving Option)
The eyes have it here. I don't often get the emotion from an animals blank stare, but this one is full of emotion. Beautiful photo! And very moving.

53 - traunerk -O Lord, Hear My Prayer...
Very nice shadow work here. The looking up into the sky is the perfect touch.

54 - eoren1 -These Truths
If you view the photo from a distance or in thumbnail form, the words on the wall are not readable, and the photo has to stand on its own without their contribution. And without them we see a statue of a man looking off into the distance. And the visuals don't give a feeling of freedom.

55 - Thusie -We Are Waiting
Eep! I think to myself if I were a dying man out in the desert and they were there just waiting for me, that would probably feel pretty oppressive. But without that mental scene, I get a feeling of menace, maybe a bit of boredom, or odd man out.

56 - urbanaries -o p e n

57 - The Curious Camel -Free To Choose
This photo is a bit confusing for me. The title says free to choose, and we are given two subjects to ostensibly choose from, politics or religion. But I don't understand why the choice is being offered or what to do with that once a choice is made. Or maybe this is the angry spirit of a bald eagle rising from the graves over there on the right and it is out for revenge (or brains) and hopes to spread oppression. I just don't know :scratch

58 - jwear -My Pond
Ouch! That looks oppressive for sure. But it is also a bit boring. Two necks and heads in a sea of green. Spicing it up with a 10:4 pano crop might help.

59 - JohnC -Right To Keep & Bear Arms
Hmm. You got something stuck in that gun. And something stuck in the mouth. Nice way to continue a pattern, but all in all no clear message.

60 - Justiceiro -United, We Are Strong. United, We Will Win!
I love the concept and execution of the photo. But theme wise it suffers. The hands to me represent nations attacking an enemy, so freedom is out since their actions are not dictated by winning, and since they are attacking, the idea of oppression takes a secondary at best position to that of offense.

61 - Nee7x7 -Boxed In
Hmm, a kid in a box would be one of the ultimate freedoms. But the title and expression on the boys face go counter to that. If he were in some other form of confinement that was not associate with childhood bliss, this might have worked better.

62 - Paintdragon -Im Innocent.
Hmm, the man does not look like the typical prisoner, so I wander to the thought that it may be the flag that is being imprisoned, but then how does the man fit in? Who is he and what is he doing there. By the looks of it he isn't doing anything. He is not gloating over the oppression of the flag, and he is not pinning for his freedom (as far as I can tell). So there is too much conflict and or ambiguity in the intended message for me to understand the photos message.

63 - davev -This land is MY land.
Wow, that glaring gaze is burrowing right through my soul! Oppressive! But also menacing. Too small of a dog to feel danger, but those eyes, filled with the desire to tear me from limb to limb. Outstanding photo!

64 - photogmomma -Then end of an error
If you wanted to convey the idea of freedom, I would have hoped for a more high key look maybe, a lower perspective, or maybe a selective focus shot showing the ring a bit out of focus to suggest the moving on. It is ok, but could communicate the idea more powerfully.

65 - RBattis -Yeah!.....Now where?
Great irony on freedom. Love the concept. But without the title, the photo doesn't suggest freedom to me right off the bat.

66 - Learningthelight -Freedom of Flight
I know I must be looking at this balloon as it floats in the sky, but there is not enough context of ground to give me that sense of freedom. It is too close, and suggests a bit of danger (is it going up or coming down?) Give the viewer some visual space to compliment the feeling of freedom. Give that balloon some place to be free to go.
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie


  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Thanks, Shay!
    Much appreciated, as always!
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Thank you! clap.gif
  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    n the bitter end, the message was a bit conflicted for me. It was a contest between oppression and resistance. In the end, resistance won. Uprising, courage, sacrifice were the thoughts that this photo made me feel.

    This is exactly what I liked about the photo- the interplay between oppression and freedom here, or at the very least, between oppression and resistance, which is a struggle for freedom.

    I certainly understand that one can pick a single element of the theme and concentrate on it, but is this a requirement?

    You see the message as conflicted, I see it as tension within a dichotomy. It was my understanding that, as the contest themes are typically presented as dichotomies, that this tension was essential somehow to our goal, or what we are "looking for." Is this not the case?

    Thanks for the feedback, and for the positive comments on my photo.

    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    48 - Travis -"Timeout: A Child's Dream, A Parent's Nightmare"
    Very cute and clever. I am afraid I don't quite get it though. No doubt a failing on my part. I see elements that fit but somehow it just doesn't make a final set for me.

    Thanks Shay. It turned out being more complicated to pull off than I was prepared for. A simpler approach would have probably made the message a little more clear. I appreciate the input!
  • TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    12 - Tentacion -Her Choice
    Dueling subjects here, the hat and the shirt are fighting to provide the same message. Picking one would make that stand out much stronger.

    It is probably a moot point to discuss it now, since the top ten have been picked and me debating the feedback left would be to no avail...but hey I wouldn't be me if I didn't right? lol

    Well, it is good that you saw that both themes were approached in my pic...Freedom/Oppression. To some extent don't you think that it is a "dueling" feeling???

    In actuality, my photo represented both themes, so it was not dueling, but enhancing the reality of both themes.

    The curvature of the hat and hiding the eyes representing the oppression that gay people have long suffered and still do. Having to remain "in the closet" for fear of ridicule, gay bashing, for being shunned by family and peers.

    Her shirt represents freedom, having the freedom to wear the Tshirt proudly to shout it from the rooftops about who she is...to love whom she pleases.....BUT always bringing us back to the curvature of the hat, she still remains oppressed, she must live in fear to some degree, for she is not as free as she thought, for there are those that would still ridicule, cause bodily threat to her or family, so she continues to hide to some degree.

    The word "DYKE" is also another indication of oppression and how this society "Labels" people, always judging, always condemning without really taking the time to know the individual....

    The reality of this photo. shirt, and hat are ....Just HOW FREE are we really in todays Modern Society???? even though it is "HER CHOICE"...considering the advancements we have "supposedly" made...

    I also loved my angles and curvatures here, the hair, the hat, the word dyke on the t-shirt, also the soft femmie look of the female vs rough and tough.

    Anyways, I really do appreciate your time and all your efforts......

    Once again, Thank You for taking the time for your constructive critique.

    Look forward to the Next Round....clap.gif

    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
  • HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    46 - HoofClix -Breezin'On In
    Nice crop, very complimentary to the action, and having that space behind the horse is very suggestive of speed as is the camera-panned motion blur. But where it fails for me is it looks like a competition going on, so the feeling of freedom does not materialize for me, and without a challenger in view, oppression does not suggest itself to me either. But I do like the photo.

    Thanks, Shay. This was, as I've implied in other threads, probably not my best work. It was a competition, but in this it is one horse/rider against the course and the clock, all on their own. I wasn't going for oppression.. Anyway, at least the crop communicated what I wanted it to. I moved the focus point to the far right node in the viewfinder and followed the action as closely as I could so that I could crop just the top/bottom of the original image to get what you see.... I will think this time twice about just entering to keep a string alive if I don't have exactly what I want!
    www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
  • GreensquaredGreensquared Registered Users Posts: 2,115 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Thanks bunches for the feedback, Shay! You're forgiven for being late with the results...you better watch what you say about my momma though! :D

    Psalm 62:5-6

  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    58 - jwear -My Pond
    Ouch! That looks oppressive for sure. But it is also a bit boring. Two necks and heads in a sea of green. Spicing it up with a 10:4 pano crop might help.
    Thanks Shay I wish I did not agree with you but oppressive I did get in 2 weeks :D the crop even with pepper would not help --by the way who were the judges headscratch.gif
    Jeff W


  • saurorasaurora Registered Users Posts: 4,320 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    52 - saurora -ADOPTION (A Lifesaving Option)
    The eyes have it here. I don't often get the emotion from an animals blank stare, but this one is full of emotion. Beautiful photo! And very moving.

    Thank you Shay for the compliments! I'm glad the eyes conveyed to you what I thought I saw in them. Thanks also for all the time and energy you spend in commenting on all this work! thumb.gif
  • Shay StephensShay Stephens Registered Users Posts: 3,165 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Justiceiro wrote:
    This is exactly what I liked about the photo- the interplay between oppression and freedom here, or at the very least, between oppression and resistance, which is a struggle for freedom.

    I certainly understand that one can pick a single element of the theme and concentrate on it, but is this a requirement?

    You see the message as conflicted, I see it as tension within a dichotomy. It was my understanding that, as the contest themes are typically presented as dichotomies, that this tension was essential somehow to our goal, or what we are "looking for." Is this not the case?

    Thanks for the feedback, and for the positive comments on my photo.


    It is totally subjective on my part of course. You didn't do anything wrong. And while the dualing themes are part of the contest, it doesn't mean the photos need to have dual themes. A single theme is the safer choice for a photo. Trying to do a dual theme is riskier, but might have a bigger payoff if it works right, but the chances are usually slim.

    The dual themes in the contest just give participants more leeway in what they shoot. And it adds an interesting element to see contrasting photos in one gallery instead of a homogonized selection of a single them.
    Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
    "Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
  • Shay StephensShay Stephens Registered Users Posts: 3,165 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    HoofClix wrote:
    Thanks, Shay. This was, as I've implied in other threads, probably not my best work. It was a competition, but in this it is one horse/rider against the course and the clock, all on their own. I wasn't going for oppression.. Anyway, at least the crop communicated what I wanted it to. I moved the focus point to the far right node in the viewfinder and followed the action as closely as I could so that I could crop just the top/bottom of the original image to get what you see.... I will think this time twice about just entering to keep a string alive if I don't have exactly what I want!

    Perhaps a title change to "Race against the clock"? The existing title doesn't compliment the idea of racing against the clock as strongly as you may have wanted. If one is breezing in, why the need for speed? Something to think about :D
    Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
    "Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
  • Shay StephensShay Stephens Registered Users Posts: 3,165 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    ...you better watch what you say about my momma though! :D

    Duly noted hehehe
    Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
    "Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
  • DebboggyDebboggy Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    28 - Debboggy -"The Escape"
    Wow, this photo is classic. Love it!

    Thanks Shay! Glad you liked it and thanks for the feedback. It's helpful and interesting to read why you think each of the photos worked or didn't work. Gives me something to think about for my own entries in the rounds to come.
    Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
    100-300mm USM
    100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
  • tsk1979tsk1979 Registered Users Posts: 937 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Thanks for the feedback! I guess critiquing this time must have been a herculean task!
  • Xia_KeXia_Ke Registered Users Posts: 90 Big grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    51 - Xia_Ke -Proselytization
    Proselytism is an active pursuit done by people, so to fit the title, we would need to see people perhaps leaving the church or maybe entering it. The building as is, and as beautiful a shot as it is, doesn't quite hit me for the theme. If freedom was intended we might see the effects of that freedom on people. If oppression were intended, we might see a more menacing facade or some form of dejected person feeling the oppressive effects somehow. The framing could be moved down to allow more ground and a tad less sky to help ground the shot too.

    Thanks Shay. This was about what I expected. In all honesty, this entry was a case of none of my ideas coming together like I wanted to, so I picked a recent shot I liked that I hope might vaguely tie in 11doh.gifAs always, thanks for taking the time to post critiques for all the entries thumb.gif

    Aaron Lehoux

    My Gallery

    "Challenge yourself! You will have days of discouragement and days of success, but the only way to fail, is to quit!" - Emily (Greensquared)
  • Shay StephensShay Stephens Registered Users Posts: 3,165 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    tsk1979 wrote:
    Thanks for the feedback! I guess critiquing this time must have been a herculean task!

    The quality of the entries demanded more thoughtful comment from me I thought. And that does take extra time in pondering each photo. But really, I have just been swamped and it took longer to get to the feedback so I could spend some time at it.
    Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
    "Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Trying to do a dual theme is riskier, but might have a bigger payoff if it works right, but the chances are usually slim.

    there is the rub! Bird in the hand, or the two in the bush?

    Thanks for the effort put into the critiques. They are thought provoking.
    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Thank you, Shay. I'm growing by leaps and bounds in my work and your feedback has been a huge part of that! I'd also like to thank everyone who has taken the time to support and encourage me along the way.

  • FeliciaFelicia Registered Users Posts: 385 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    34 - Felicia -Faith
    The overriding message that I get is devotion. But I am not feeling the theme.

    Thanks for the feedback, Shay! I'm lapping it up like a starved puppy! :food
    "Just because no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist."

  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2007
    Merci considérablement Mr. homme de mariage thumb.gif

    Your time and efforts are much appreciated.

    btw. I was afraid the word sterile might crop up.
    next time I'll listen to my gut.
  • tleetlee Registered Users Posts: 1,090 Major grins
    edited July 27, 2007
    I have been away fom any access to the net for a while. Thus, the late thanks for the feedback!

    T :D


    "Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
    ----Ruth Ann Schubacker
  • ThusieThusie Registered Users Posts: 1,818 Major grins
    edited July 29, 2007
    Way late here..Thanks Shay for your time, greatly appreciate it.

    BTW what does Eep mean? Or maybe it doesn't mean anything?:D
  • Shay StephensShay Stephens Registered Users Posts: 3,165 Major grins
    edited July 29, 2007
    Thusie wrote:
    BTW what does Eep mean?:D

    That's me kinda screaming like a child from fright hehehe.

    Did I just admit that to everyone? Eeeep! mwink.gifrofl
    Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
    "Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
  • ThusieThusie Registered Users Posts: 1,818 Major grins
    edited July 29, 2007
    That's me kinda screaming like a child from fright hehehe.

    Did I just admit that to everyone? Eeeep! mwink.gifrofl

    OHOOOO cat out of bag now:lol
  • MrsCueMrsCue Registered Users Posts: 412 Major grins
    edited July 29, 2007

    42 - MrsCue -Incognito
    Hmm, I get a feeling of danger or maybe intrigue, but there is not enough to go on for me to get a feeling of freedom or oppression. The subject kind of looks like a spy, and typically they operate in environments that are not free. I might infer that there is an agency of oppression making the spying necessary, but the subject might just be a someone adjusting their hat too.

    Thank you Shay.
    You kinda had the idea that I was trying to convey.

    Just a woman, (maybe famous, maybe not), heavily oppressed by her husband/boyfriend or if famous, by the press or the public, her only chance for freedom is to walk around in a disguise.

    I like your version better :D
    Canon EOS 40D, Canon EOS 350D, 50mm 1.8 MKII prime lens, 17-40mm f/4 L lens, 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS lens, 430 EX speedlite, Tungsten Continuous studio light, Pocket Wizards, Gary Fong Lightsphere, Stofen Omni bounce diffuser, 5in1 reflector

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