New SF2 Attempts
It's getting down to the wire and I'm still not sure I've got anything worth entering. Any input on this new batch would be appreciated. I have one more idea in my head, but would require a lot of setup and an accomplice-not sure my husband is up to modeling for me...:rofl


#3-Bird having bad hair day (oops, this one's not post processed yet. I'll try to do it tonight, if anyone else thinks it's worth it.)

#4-Striking a Pose

These next few are more just for fun than thinking they actually have a shot at being good enough:
#5-I gottcha! (Haven't processed this one yet. Maybe clone out leaves and darken silhouettes?)

#6-Soak Zone

#7-Happy Meal (Cut open a bell pepper and the chunk that has all the seeds stuck to it fell out in my hand, revealing the smile face. Don't know that the shot is all that great, but thought the face was a fun surprise.)

And finally, here's my favorite from my first round of attempts:
#8-Boy with leaves

Almost forgot this one. (Just took it last night and can reshoot if needed)

#10-Still not there yet...give up and go home.:rofl
Any suggestions on how to rework them would be great too.


#3-Bird having bad hair day (oops, this one's not post processed yet. I'll try to do it tonight, if anyone else thinks it's worth it.)

#4-Striking a Pose

These next few are more just for fun than thinking they actually have a shot at being good enough:
#5-I gottcha! (Haven't processed this one yet. Maybe clone out leaves and darken silhouettes?)

#6-Soak Zone

#7-Happy Meal (Cut open a bell pepper and the chunk that has all the seeds stuck to it fell out in my hand, revealing the smile face. Don't know that the shot is all that great, but thought the face was a fun surprise.)

And finally, here's my favorite from my first round of attempts:
#8-Boy with leaves

Almost forgot this one. (Just took it last night and can reshoot if needed)

#10-Still not there yet...give up and go home.:rofl
Any suggestions on how to rework them would be great too.
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
Any of these for SF2? 25 votes
#1 Flower
3 votes
#2 Bird
0 votes
#3 Bird bad hair day
0 votes
#4 Striking a pose
1 vote
#5 I gotcha
7 votes
#6 Soak Zone
1 vote
#7 Happy Meal
4 votes
#8 Boy with Leaves
0 votes
#9 Water Fall
8 votes
#10 Not there yet...just give up and go home
1 vote
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
but # 9 was a close runner up for me
in fact I am waffling quite close.
Just something about that sea lion that I like. (different)
I tried to get rid of the ugly writing on his tee shirt without loosing too much detail in the other areas. I also added some color to the sky. I still want to work on the bird with the wind blown look and try cropping the flower shot. Thanks for the suggestions and opinions everyone.
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
That is totally amazing...I would darken the "happy face" just a little though for enhancement....and do something with the door in b/g..and perhaps a little more crop, and had some lighting....but I think that is an awesome composition.. I think the colors are fabulous and the texture and detail.....Ok So I'm a strange one...but I always look for the different and unusual.
I like number 9 also, but then I'm a big "waterfalls" person, I think it is beautifully
Then I like #4...the fact that I can see other seals in the b/g but they do not take over from your main subject....but what I like most about the seal is the black almost seems as though his/her tears have stained the face, but that seal still has pride and holds its head up..
Ok just my thoughts...Good Luck in whichever you choose!!
Here's what I've finally come up with and entered a few minutes ago:
"Broken, Yet Beautiful"
Still have a few hours tomorrow before the deadline, so if I've got it all wrong with this entry, I'd love some suggestions.
Thanks again for all of the help and good luck everyone!
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
As I looked down the line of all the photos, the only one that made me stop and linger for a while was Soak Zone. Not only was it an original image that you don't see very often, but the gush of water about to fall on everyone looks almost like a hand reaching out to grab the public. It really drew me in in a way that the other images didn't (the expressions on the people's faces as they're about to get hit by the water are great!)
Anyway, it was my favorite, but as you can tell by the poll, there are about as many favorites as there are people!
Good luck with whatever image you decide to enter!
On Edit: I went back and voted in the poll for #6 so it wouldn't feel so lonely...
CWC Photography: “Painting pictures with cameras.” • Nature & Animals • Around the World • New York City • Miscellaneous • Sunsets • Central Park
A little late in the game to be doing any major reshooting, and I agree with you that you're not quite there yet.
I voted for #5, as I felt it has the most potential (your edit helped a lot) for a powerful shot. If you can re-shoot this against a more dramatic background, give it a "shot." Screams of glee and welcoming open hands would be helpful, too.
Some thoughts on your other images:
The flower is far better technically than the butterfly. Nice colors here. I'd be curious to see a composition including more of the flower in the lower right. Do you use a polarizer? It's a must for macro shots with glare on leaves, petals, etc! To improve "connection" with a critter subject, try to catch a front or side view to include its eyes.
Nice lighting and color in #2, but these bird shots have a "snapshot" look. Try a low angle to add more interest - though that may not be possible in a zoo environment. (That the zoo is obvious may be part of the problem.)
I like Soak Zone for the TERIFFIC capture of the moment
#7 - cool happy face, but bland lighting. You could try backlight transillumination of the veggies against a dark background with a spot, or snooted strobe.
#8 - maybe you could sell this to Hallmark
#9 - very nice waterfall, though it is cropped too tight for my taste and feels crowded top and bottom.
You seem to have a knack for capturing special moments with the people in your life, and it's challenging to direct your subjects without blowing the mood. I don't have a handle on that yet myself. I hope these comments will be helpful in your future shooting - good luck!
Celebrating the essence of Nature, the Human Spirit, and the Divine Presence in all or: