Raw Converter for PS 7?

Does anyone know it there a raw converter for PS 7?
I found one for CS but my old ver 2.1 does not work with 20d.
Do I need to upgade to CS?
I found one for CS but my old ver 2.1 does not work with 20d.
Do I need to upgade to CS?
And of course there is Capture 1 Pro and Bibble and other third party converters.
I have used Adobe's Raw converter in CS since it was introduced and that is all I plan to use as it seems quite good to me. It does support the 20D. There should be a RAW converter in the Digital Photo Pro software that came with your 20D too. I prefer ARC, but DPP does an acceptable job, it is just not as easy a workflow as ARC.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thank you for the quick reply
I am using the "Digital Photo Professional" the Canon software
Seems to work pretty good just wanted to stick with what I know(ps)
Well it looks like its time for a upgrade...just didn't want to spend more right now
Thanks again
Cincinnati Smug Leader
No I just installed it it looks pretty easy to use
The Cannon software "Digital Photo Professional" looks pretty fancy
But in the short time I have used it, it looks pretty good
I just kind of like to keep with the ps but we will see
You're right, there was a RAW plug-in for PS 7. I wonder when it got pulled
With Adobe now pushing the Digital Negative format I'm surprised that they haven't gone back and done a DNG plug-in for PS 7.
What's odd is that I'll adjust a photo in DPP, save it, then open it in Photoshop. Keep the same treated image open in DPP and PS.... and they look different.
Very frustrating. How do you know what to trust? And of course, the smugmug version looks different to either of the other two.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
They offered it after PS 7 was out. It cost $99, if I remember correctly. The new version might only work with PS 8/CS, is anyone running acr 2.4 with PS 7?
They also probably pulled it to get people to move to PS 8/CS.
Are you using the same profile for both the image in DPP and in PS, both with the file (it should) and as your working space?
What's that in English?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Color profile, as in sRGB vs Adobe 1998.
Here's some more stuff I found on raw converters other then canons and ps.
Anyone use this ?
What do you think?
I'm giving it a try so we will see.
I use this and find it very good. The LE version
Cincinnati Smug Leader