Diary of a SF#2 Contestant

Monday, Aug 20 8:30pm
Maybe if I hit refresh the finalists will appear...nope. Hit it again...again...again... I keep wondering if the screen is going to wear out where the refresh button is. My hands are dripping with sweat, the anticipating builds. I don't know why I even watch. If I wait til tomorrow it will be there without the wait. Ugh!! Refresh.
I hope other entrants are like me. Should be getting ready for bed, but I sit here...clicking...staring...refresh. Nothing! My wife walks up behind me, "Honey, how about a romantic evening?" Refresh, nothing. "Honey?" she questions. Refresh,...oh...hi honey. They haven't posted the finalists yet. She stomps her foot and abrubly turns and walks away. Refresh...nothing.
Not since March of 2006 have I been in the top ten. Why do I even try? Why am I waiting? Am I crazy? Refresh...nothing. Pop over to People to see if Yuri posted any new masterpieces. Hey! Another 5 photos. Man...someday I wish I could be like Yuri. Back to Contest and Challenges...nothing. Scan the comments to see if there are any new posts.
What...? There it is!! SF#2 Finalists List!! Do I dare click on it? Ok, heart be still...deep breath...don't build up your hopes...it is only for fun and learning; remember! Ok, here we go...Click

I can't believe it!!! Is that really my photo? I rub my eyes. I've been clicking refresh for over an hour. Maybe my sight is going. Maybe I'm going...
Hey, scream for joy anyway!!!! I scream as I run up the stairs, waking everyone in the home. I'm in, I'm in!!!! Questioning faces emerging from the bedrooms stair at me in disbelief. Have I gone raving mad???? Hey! I'm in the top ten!!! The face expressions change to an expression of anger. You woke us for that? Yeh!!! Come see (sometimes it is great being dad). We gather around the computer and pull up the page again. Eager eyes peer around me at the screen. The image comes up..."You won the judges pick Dad!!!"

We stare, mouths open for 30 minutes. None dares to believe that Dad was there. Was it a mistake? Didn't you see the quality of the other entries? Maybe all the links broke down but mine? Disbelief. Two hours later as the youngest falls on the floor with a thud, the trance was broken. All but Dad returned to their beds for the night.
The Voting Begins
Oh, look...the first vote. Too bad it isn't for me. But hey, I made it into the top ten!!!! Refresh...oh another vote...It's for me!!! A tie! I'm tied for first!!! At least I can say I was tied for first!!!! Refresh...more votes coming in. Man, day one and I can't stand it already. Refresh...refresh...refresh...refresh...Looks like a 4 way race...and I'm still kind of in it.
Four Hours Later
Tried to go to bed, but couldn't sleep. Refresh...refresh...Hey, I'm up by one. Maybe if I click refresh with my left ring finger, the next vote will be for me. Refresh...nope, didn't work. Try your nose. Refresh...Worked!!! Do it again!!! Refresh...nothing. Lucky nose must be good for only one vote.
After trying every clickable method I could think of, I determined it must be I'm wearing lucky socks. Keep em on, I tell my self, Keep em on.
Noon the next day
Hey Honey! Call the office and tell them I can't make it in today. I got to keep clicking the refresh button. I think it is working.
Day 2
Refresh...oh good, there is another. My oldest daughter walks by. Dad, what is that smell? Oh sick, your feet stink!! Refresh...yes! another. It has got to be the socks. I tear them off rapidly, rubbing the screen with the foggy fibers hoping to accelerate the luck. Refresh...YES!!! It worked!!!
Honey, the office is on the phone, they need to talk to you! Tell them I'm winning!! Refresh...Ya!!! Up by 4!! Honey? They want to know if you want your job? Refresh...Wow!!! Up by 5!!!! Tell them I'll call them on Friday. Don't you realize If my luck keeps up, I could get a $1500 gift certificate from BH Photo? Man, I wonder if they sell food?
Later that day I ask my wife to run to the department store and buy us a port-a-potie. Think of the time I could save and the votes I could get if I could stay right here? Pull the socks off and wave them in the air again. Hey Honey? Where are the kids?
Man I sure would like to post a congratulations to the other contestants for making the top ten but would that ruin my luck? Would they think I was boasting? By the way...what do those who are voting see in my photo anyway? Oh ya, broken links. They can only see mine. I wonder how that worked? Refresh...Ya...another vote!!!!
OK, on the serious note...This week has felt like this. Inbetween my appointments when I was by a computer, I had to check. My family has been as excited as I have. But in all sincerity, congratulations to all of the entrants. I am amazed at the quality of photos that keep coming in. Every contest seems to get better and better. And to those of you who voted for me...Thanks! I still don't know what you were thinking when you voted for me but thanks!!
For sale, Camera, lenses, light things, and computer...cheap! Seeking return of husband.
Maybe if I hit refresh the finalists will appear...nope. Hit it again...again...again... I keep wondering if the screen is going to wear out where the refresh button is. My hands are dripping with sweat, the anticipating builds. I don't know why I even watch. If I wait til tomorrow it will be there without the wait. Ugh!! Refresh.
I hope other entrants are like me. Should be getting ready for bed, but I sit here...clicking...staring...refresh. Nothing! My wife walks up behind me, "Honey, how about a romantic evening?" Refresh, nothing. "Honey?" she questions. Refresh,...oh...hi honey. They haven't posted the finalists yet. She stomps her foot and abrubly turns and walks away. Refresh...nothing.
Not since March of 2006 have I been in the top ten. Why do I even try? Why am I waiting? Am I crazy? Refresh...nothing. Pop over to People to see if Yuri posted any new masterpieces. Hey! Another 5 photos. Man...someday I wish I could be like Yuri. Back to Contest and Challenges...nothing. Scan the comments to see if there are any new posts.
What...? There it is!! SF#2 Finalists List!! Do I dare click on it? Ok, heart be still...deep breath...don't build up your hopes...it is only for fun and learning; remember! Ok, here we go...Click

I can't believe it!!! Is that really my photo? I rub my eyes. I've been clicking refresh for over an hour. Maybe my sight is going. Maybe I'm going...
Hey, scream for joy anyway!!!! I scream as I run up the stairs, waking everyone in the home. I'm in, I'm in!!!! Questioning faces emerging from the bedrooms stair at me in disbelief. Have I gone raving mad???? Hey! I'm in the top ten!!! The face expressions change to an expression of anger. You woke us for that? Yeh!!! Come see (sometimes it is great being dad). We gather around the computer and pull up the page again. Eager eyes peer around me at the screen. The image comes up..."You won the judges pick Dad!!!"

We stare, mouths open for 30 minutes. None dares to believe that Dad was there. Was it a mistake? Didn't you see the quality of the other entries? Maybe all the links broke down but mine? Disbelief. Two hours later as the youngest falls on the floor with a thud, the trance was broken. All but Dad returned to their beds for the night.
The Voting Begins
Oh, look...the first vote. Too bad it isn't for me. But hey, I made it into the top ten!!!! Refresh...oh another vote...It's for me!!! A tie! I'm tied for first!!! At least I can say I was tied for first!!!! Refresh...more votes coming in. Man, day one and I can't stand it already. Refresh...refresh...refresh...refresh...Looks like a 4 way race...and I'm still kind of in it.
Four Hours Later
Tried to go to bed, but couldn't sleep. Refresh...refresh...Hey, I'm up by one. Maybe if I click refresh with my left ring finger, the next vote will be for me. Refresh...nope, didn't work. Try your nose. Refresh...Worked!!! Do it again!!! Refresh...nothing. Lucky nose must be good for only one vote.
After trying every clickable method I could think of, I determined it must be I'm wearing lucky socks. Keep em on, I tell my self, Keep em on.
Noon the next day
Hey Honey! Call the office and tell them I can't make it in today. I got to keep clicking the refresh button. I think it is working.
Day 2
Refresh...oh good, there is another. My oldest daughter walks by. Dad, what is that smell? Oh sick, your feet stink!! Refresh...yes! another. It has got to be the socks. I tear them off rapidly, rubbing the screen with the foggy fibers hoping to accelerate the luck. Refresh...YES!!! It worked!!!
Honey, the office is on the phone, they need to talk to you! Tell them I'm winning!! Refresh...Ya!!! Up by 4!! Honey? They want to know if you want your job? Refresh...Wow!!! Up by 5!!!! Tell them I'll call them on Friday. Don't you realize If my luck keeps up, I could get a $1500 gift certificate from BH Photo? Man, I wonder if they sell food?
Later that day I ask my wife to run to the department store and buy us a port-a-potie. Think of the time I could save and the votes I could get if I could stay right here? Pull the socks off and wave them in the air again. Hey Honey? Where are the kids?
Man I sure would like to post a congratulations to the other contestants for making the top ten but would that ruin my luck? Would they think I was boasting? By the way...what do those who are voting see in my photo anyway? Oh ya, broken links. They can only see mine. I wonder how that worked? Refresh...Ya...another vote!!!!
OK, on the serious note...This week has felt like this. Inbetween my appointments when I was by a computer, I had to check. My family has been as excited as I have. But in all sincerity, congratulations to all of the entrants. I am amazed at the quality of photos that keep coming in. Every contest seems to get better and better. And to those of you who voted for me...Thanks! I still don't know what you were thinking when you voted for me but thanks!!
For sale, Camera, lenses, light things, and computer...cheap! Seeking return of husband.
My Blog about Life:
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
This hits perilously close to home! You've got a great sense of humor. Made my evening.
Light things...hahahaha
Loved the reactions shots too!!!
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Congratulations on a super shot, which BTW I meant to PM you before the voting to tell you I thought it was super, but I didn't want to break my lucky streak.
Love the shot of the gang around the computer......frame it and hang it!!! Best of luck to you in the finals.
Thank You and before I forget......CONGRATULATIONS!!
I'm still smiling from ear to ear.
and thanks for the smile.
Those reaction shots are priceless.
(P.S. Can I borrow those lucky socks for my next shoot? I need some of your magic mojo.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
At the end of a long time travelling, this was exactly the light hearted read I needed.
OK, this humoresque is simply great!
You guys' pose is an indicator of the sort of humor inspired by this crazy learning environment, the unabated entusiasm of its participants, and the weaving in and out of the judges.
I just spent 15 hours on 3 consecutive nights in a locked room with several volunteers and 4 judges during a state fair image competition. Volunteers logged in the images, put them on an easel, then stepped back to witness the judges perambulations.
Filled with humor, honor, and good instincts, the judges were fair, had open discussions about disagreements, and overall, did a pretty good job... but, it was also cleaqr when they disagreed. with an even number of judges, they even had to toss a coin [would you believe, each time that happened, they dropped the dang coin?]
I gained an entirely new viewpoint; not from behind the camera, but from sitting in the hot seat. The most fascination came when they would openly discuss merits of each image as iirevocable decisions were made about the final choices for best of show and judges choice...
Ain't this some digital world we live in?
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Award-Winning Photography, Workshop Instructor, Storyteller, Writer
[/FONT][FONT="]Blog: [/FONT][FONT="]Pathways of Light[/FONT]
[FONT="] Workshops: Creating Fine Art Magic[/FONT][FONT="]
Book: Paths of Light [/FONT]
[FONT="]Workshops: 2011 Lightroom 3 Workshops
[/FONT][FONT="]Galleries, Bisti Art
Thank you all very much for the kind words and remarks. Special thanks to the Moderators and judges who put in the extra time on these threads.
Thank you to those who cast your vote for me. I don't know what you were thinking, but thanks!!
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
Now what are you gonna get at B & H????
I've been looking through the bh catalog. Can't find any curtains, shoes, or purfume. Any other ideas I could use for a wife peace offering?
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
A boudoir photo session...with a shiny news lens from B&H!
Congrats on the win!
Totally agree. A very high set bar.
Only problem for you is, in the final shoot-out you need to come up with an even better concept.....:D
Me, I'm like this...
What a great family photo, a great story, and a great contest entry photo.
My Photos
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