>>> LPS#12 Feedback Thread

Shay StephensShay Stephens Registered Users Posts: 3,165 Major grins
edited October 5, 2007 in The Dgrin Challenges
I think I am finally getting caught up with things.

2 - nelsonstuff - The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil
Kind of funny in it's crude construction, but babies don't usually have a love of anything but food at that point, so I don't quite get the setup.

3 - Povertybarn - "The Evil that Men do"
Very cool look! The lighting makes the common loo look rather regal and sophisticated. Now put that lid down before anyone notices hehehe.

4 - bulls_traveler - The 7 Deadly Zins
I like the pun, but the lighting looks pretty flat. A suggestion might be to use ambient lighting if it were available or even bouncing the flash if possible, especially at this distance to the subject.

5 - Llywellyn - The End of Envy
Gritty and Hitchcockesque. The dim look is also conducive to an end of life type feel or even a sorrow or regretful mood.

6 - hurricanesteve - Titus Andronicus' Vindicta
I like this, but do wish the eyes were brighter, if they were burning with fury, that intensity should also come through with the brightness of the image. As is, the fury could be seen as waning instead of waxing. But great expression captured and the lighting is cool too.

7 - leaforte - Steadfast (Harley Davidson)
I know from experience that I am looking at a motorcycle engine, or at least parts of it, but there doesn't seem to be any parts I pick out as something to look at. It is hard for me to find a subject or focus for the attention. So I feel a little lost looking at the photo. It isn't engaging me with the theme either, no doubt because of my wandering around in it visually.

8 - MarkTodd - Pigging Out
I like the idea of illustrating gluttony, and the three hotdogs certainly cram that point home well, but the coloring of the photo is distracting to the point of rejection. Had the coloring maybe implied feeling ill (greenish or something) it might have made more sense, but still probably unneeded as the hotdogs are getting the point across very well.

9 - davalistudios - Hope
A photo illustrating hope should probably be a more cheerful brightness. Although if this is fatalistic hope, then the somber low brightness look would serve that purpose well. And Yellow against brown or other natural tree color probably has enough contrast to not need a selective color B&W treatment, unless of course you meant to imply a fatalistic hope. But the title doesn't hint at that.

10 - fashiznitsngrins - Agape
The lighting looks very attractive, especially on the mothers face (slight loop lighting). The background looks pretty cosmic though and a little jarring in comparison to the soft and subtle nature of the statue. Maybe if it were darker (the background) it might make a better blend?

11 - davev - Got Milk?
I like the extreme vertical angle of the shot, it really highlights those eyes. I am wondering though how to fit this in to a Sin or a Virtue theme though as I can't really spot either.

12 - Travis - Ariel
Very cool look! I don't understand the reference of who Ariel is, so the theme connection is escaping me, but probably no fault of yours, I just need to be better read hehehe. I like the composition too.

13 - Tentacion - Yeah, It's All About Me..!!
Your subject is great, but the background is kind of spoiling it for me. The light streaks on the wall are coming in at an angle that is not consistent with the lighting on the face and the cutout is rough and noticeable.

14 - SunsetSailor - Plain to See as Black or White
The angles and light and dark areas look great, especially in B&W, but I am kind of searching for a subject. Is it the door, the windows, the pillar? I don't know and I wish I could see more of the building as that might make the subject clearer that the whole building is the subject and not just some subset of it. Especially when the title assures me it is plain to see.

15 - mpaulie - Marriage and the Virtue of Loyalty
I have been to two Indian weddings and they have been very pretty. I like the details you have visible, but I know that they could have been shown much better. What we are mostly treated to here is the area between the thumb and index finger and a portion of the back of the hand, which is not really optimal, especially with the fingertip below the frame.
As a side note, do be cautious of using the theme words in your title. We already know the theme is Sin or Virtue, so duplicating either one in your title is a bit redundant.

16 - nikos - Invidia
Creepy! Wonderful! Creepy! Wow!

17 - vandana - "You can call me Goldie"
Almost a comic book feel to the image, especially with the speech bubble, but the rest has that sin city-esque type look sort of. A little rough, but very stylistic.

18 - Zanotti - Virtue
I like the idea, but you might consider rotating the camera to get a vertically oriented shot rather than horizontal. It might compliment the vertical nature of the head stone, give some ground for the head stone to rest in, and still give a view of the cemetery behind while also cutting out that partial head stone to the right out, which isn't adding anything visually to the shot.

19 - banjon - Pure
It is a little hard telling this is a flower because of that folded over petal hiding the red and yellow bits, which also makes it hard to see the connection with pure. I guess there just isn't enough context for me to see what it is I am looking at. Pulling back some so we can see the flower head with something else that conveys the idea of pure might help.

20 - Pat664422 - Delicious Misbehavior
Fun image, the crumbs tell the story, nice addition! A little brighter would help the fun feel too.

21 - Baron von Kiper - Gluttony = a big block V8 & 12MPG
I like the red color and the logo, but wish I could see more of the car to know it was a car or truck or whatever it is. Really the only thing the viewer has to go on is the logo and the color and the semi cryptic title.

22 - ifocus - Sin or virtue? Yours to decide
Is the subject looking into a film viewer or something? It is not clear to me what he is doing or how it might be a sin or a virtue. It is enigmatic, so in that sense the title does work in a way.
As a side note, do be cautious of using the theme words in your title. We already know the theme is Sin or Virtue, so duplicating either one in your title is a bit redundant.

23 - indiegirl - hello, cupcake
Temptation, your name is cupcake! I like the context of having the child in the background, it sells the photo. Perhaps a small refinement might be to offset the face to the right or left just a touch to get a better view of the tongue preparing to feast.

24 - Greensquared - The Wages (Romans 6:23)
Macabre for sure, even looks like something the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, but it does look mega cranked and a bit distracting. But that could be the message of the photo too...disturbing!

25 - Swartzy - FOR THE PEOPLE
Love the sky and the setting. The left hand side is not very strong, so maybe a vertical oriented shot on the statue might have looked stronger and allowed the horses feet to be visible rather than just out of the frame.

26 - The Curious Camel - Eve, where it all began...
I thought it began with the serpent hehehe. The angle is nice and low to put the face and fruit in a good view, but maybe a tad too low as the table is cutting into the arms. And the background looks oddly erased, especially around the hair.

27 - kp-pix - It started innocently enough.......
I don't see the photo, sorry.

28 - hamster - After Hours
I like the lighting, this looks like it would be in a time magazine article or something. Nice work.

29 - sherstone - Reverend Dianne Astel
I like the portrait, and the inclusion of the pews as it gives some context to where this is taking place and that she spends time there. The expression seems slightly off, that may just be her look too, but it is pleasant. Nice soft lighting, very nice.

30 - imax - Forgive Me
I like the red light and the white light counteracting it. Nice setup too, the story is clear even without reading the title.

31 - Robert - Filthy (M)animals
Filthy indeed! Yuck. The photo does seem to lack subject though, my eye is drawn to the center, but there is not a lot to see there. I like the inclusion of the boats as it helps place where this is happening, but it just doesn't seem to gel for me.

32 - TPBinKC - Pure?

33 - Felicia - Conquers All
Cool, I like light writing. To help it look a little more like light writing, include a little detail in the background rather than solid black. Doing that will help it look like it is part of an environment and not just possibly written in an image editor.

34 - drdane - "My Religion is Kindness" - the Dalai Lama
I like the concept, but the moon is awfully high for being such a thin crescent shape and would probably show some earth shine too if the stars are to be visible like that

35 - Heather U-K - After Lust
A little cryptic, the subject in focus is the lamp and curtain and the framing looks to be too far to the left or not far enough to the left. It is only the title that hints at what the photo is all about. Shifting the focus to the hands might have helped.

36 - quark - Seeking Forgiveness
Love the framing and the B&W. Very nice. I like even better if the bottom of the window is cropped off. so we can't see the source of the light streaming in.

37 - saurora - Imagination
Very playful! And very mischievous looking too. Love the B&W.

38 - BistiArt - Virgen de Guadalupe
I like the texture and color, but it just isn't grabbing me, and I can't put my finger on why.

39 - Awais Yaqub - Result
Beautiful lighting shot, the blue sky and lit cloud and arcing bolts are very impressive. The only thing I am not certain of is if this is meant to relate to sin or virtue, it is not clear for me with the title or image.

40 - HoofClix - "Bubba's Big-Eyed Tummy"
I see even the crumbs eventually got gobbled up ;-) and the image even has an Andy Warhol type feel. Perhaps too many frames though.

41 - pyroPrints.com - You're A Slave To The Money, Then You Die
A bit bright, but maybe the subject is surrounded by glitz and neon. I like the crop it works well with the horizontal nature of the closeups on the eyes.

42 - jwear - Family Devotion
Cool color for the sky. A little dark feeling, but no doubt the scene is dark. Has a nice graphic arts feel to it. I don't get to see skimmers too often.

43 - LiquidAir - All That Glitters
Sweet! Awesome setup and execution! Greed to the max!

44 - gundermann - Where worlds collide: Character vs. Efficiency.
Nice contrast between old and new and I like the B&W, maybe a touch more contrast and/or brightness?

45 - Strikeslip - Blasphemer !
Hehehe, nice!

46 - JFreeman - Liquid Dreams
Love the low angle, there are a thousand words in this photo. Well done.

47 - stuffjunkie - And So It All Begins
Cool, good job illustrating the story. And I am sure the head would never have looked real, so by hiding it, the body comes across as very believable. Well done.

48 - Red Dog - Unconditional Love
I like the eyes of the dog, they seem to hold some spark there. The lighting looks a bit flat making the shadows kind of disappear and loose the 3 dimensional look it might have had with a lower power flash or just shooting ambient.

49 - Justiceiro - Gluttony
The photo has a pale sickly look to it which seems in keeping with the subject matter. It looks believable.

50 - Tara Camfield - Night Life
Good use of shadow as a leading line, the low angle and emphasis on the leg is well done. I feel like I have a complete story here.

51 - Tessa HD - Patience
Even without the title, I can see what the title would have been. The selective coloring doesn't seem to be helping the photo, but I don't it necessarily hurts it either. It is rather subtle but superfluous. Well done.

52 - gonefishin - Forbidden
I like the hints of face, snake, and setting, though the apple does seem a bit too high for visual balance. Overall I like it.

53 - cmurph - The Art of Deception
Beautiful scene though I am not sure what the deception is that is being depicted. Also can't make out what the animal is supposed to be looking at either. So it is a bit confusing.

54 - OneWayMule - Death by Gluttony
Love the scene, it says it all even without looking at the title. But the noise and banding is very distracting. If that could be cleaned up it would have a better presentation.

55 - Jzazzi - Rebellious
Hahaha, I love the idea of the photo. For a moment all seems normal until you look closer. Maybe a tad more contrast to help it.
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie


  • GreensquaredGreensquared Registered Users Posts: 2,115 Major grins
    edited September 25, 2007
    I24 - Greensquared - The Wages (Romans 6:23)
    Macabre for sure, even looks like something the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, but it does look mega cranked and a bit distracting. But that could be the message of the photo too...disturbing!

    Breakfast is served!

    Oh I am so busted!! Actually this was taken during our vacation at the beach at a Pirates exhibit at the Ripley's Aquarium, so it was a good spot on your part. I only had my Coolpix, no tripod, so definite motion blur AND over exposed, plus super PS'd intentionally. I was just having fun and experimenting. I've stated more than once that it is the worst photo I have ever publicly shown...and yet several people told me they really liked it. Subjective...absolutely. Portfolio material...oh I don't even think so!

    Thanks for the feedback!
    Psalm 62:5-6

  • TPBinKCTPBinKC Registered Users Posts: 194 Major grins
    edited September 25, 2007
    I think I am finally getting caught up with things.

    32 - TPBinKC - Pure?

    Shortest feedback ever?
  • TPBinKCTPBinKC Registered Users Posts: 194 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    TPBinKC wrote:
    Shortest feedback ever?

    Am I the new thread killer? ne_nau.gif :cry
  • Shay StephensShay Stephens Registered Users Posts: 3,165 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    TPBinKC wrote:
    Am I the new thread killer? ne_nau.gif :cry

    Na, it just takes time for people to get to the thread, it is rather large. Patience :-)

    And I think you are probably the winner of the shortest comment hehehe.
    Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
    "Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
  • FeliciaFelicia Registered Users Posts: 385 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    33 - Felicia - Conquers All
    Cool, I like light writing. To help it look a little more like light writing, include a little detail in the background rather than solid black. Doing that will help it look like it is part of an environment and not just possibly written in an image editor.

    Thanks for the critique, Shay! What? No recommendation for a 10:4 pano??? mwink.gif

    It was my first attempt at light writing. Thanks for giving me some pointers for the future!
    "Just because no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist."

  • HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    Thanks Shay... Lots of great comments to study. And yes, gluttony represents itself in many ways, eating crumbs off the table included...

    Especially for an image of 800 pixels, 16 frames is too many... I think perhaps 9 would have made the point...

    But Kent's BBQ does now enjoy their new 20x30!
    www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
  • TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    shay wrote:
    13 - Tentacion - Yeah, It's All About Me..!!
    Your subject is great, but the background is kind of spoiling it for me. The light streaks on the wall are coming in at an angle that is not consistent with the lighting on the face and the cutout is rough and noticeable.

    At this point in time, it is probably a mute point to discuss, I will say if you note the angle of my lines and the lighting on her hair, her shoulder, the upper portion of her boots , upper thigh, and how it hits the chair back at the same angle, I would say that the lighting is consistent with the angles I chose. As for cutout being rough...I don't see it, as this was layer work...but I'll take your word for it..do u suppose that what u r seeing is the gblur that I gave the back....what can I say I like to be different??

    Glad you liked my subject though..:D

    Thanks for your comments, as always, much appreciated!!
    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
  • mpauliempaulie Registered Users Posts: 303 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    thank you
    It's really awesome that you take the time to do this, thanks for the feedback and advice.

    Much appreciated,
  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    Thanks for the feedback, I completely agree with your suggestions.

  • LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2007
    Thanks, as always, for taking the time to do this, Shay. clap.gif Feedback is sustenance for the starving artist's soul. mwink.gif :food
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2007
    :D <---- that's me...

    ... smiling with thankful happiness for once again spending so much of your valuable time delivering great insights.
  • saurorasaurora Registered Users Posts: 4,320 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2007
    Thanks once again for taking the time and realizing how much we all gain from your insights. You're the best! :saurora
  • Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2007
    Veyr cool thanks :D
    Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

    My Gallery
  • RobertRobert Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2007
    I think I am finally getting caught up with things.

    31 - Robert - Filthy (M)animals
    Filthy indeed! Yuck. The photo does seem to lack subject though, my eye is drawn to the center, but there is not a lot to see there. I like the inclusion of the boats as it helps place where this is happening, but it just doesn't seem to gel for me.

    I know this comes kinda late, but thanks for your comment – and also for the previous one.
  • The Curious CamelThe Curious Camel Registered Users Posts: 943 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2007
    26 - The Curious Camel - Eve, where it all began...
    I thought it began with the serpent hehehe. The angle is nice and low to put the face and fruit in a good view, but maybe a tad too low as the table is cutting into the arms. And the background looks oddly erased, especially around the hair.

    It's easy for me to see the mistakes I made after the fact. I am learning as I go and apprecipate your insight.


    Thanks for your time, again and again.
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