LPS13 - Pyro's Tries

So there is 4. And they are all going in opposite directions. I like them all (maybe some more than others, but still). So I'm in the mood some good ol' fashioned, home made Dgrin feedback
1. All Natural

2. Sunbathing

3. Jolly Green Giant

4. Night and Day

1. All Natural

2. Sunbathing
3. Jolly Green Giant

4. Night and Day

Which is it? 30 votes
1. All Natural
4 votes
2. Sunbathing
3 votes
3. Jolly Green Giant
1 vote
4. Night and Day
18 votes
Keep shooting
4 votes
I really like #4!
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
The idea for #2 is great. I think, though, that it needs more stripes of light on the kitty. Is that its tail in the upper righthand corner? It is distracting and seems out of proportion to the animal. (Please don't pass on this criticism to your cat! It can't help it if it has a long, fat tail.) I'm sure the cat is just as cooperative as my own and will gladly pose for you again if you ask it nicely.
#3 is a nice photograph and it is neat seeing the moon in the sky, but the overall picture just doesn't seem to fit the theme.
#4 is very nice indeed. Gets my vote (unless you come up with something stronger with the cat).
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
The others I feel are not as strong or are lacking something for that "pop" effect, that will want me to remember it...in other words..I looked and journeyed on.
But, I keep coming back to the tree to see what else I can see...and my mind wanders...what kind of animals/birds inhabit that wonderful place, how many children have climbed that tree, and it is almost symmetrical in circumference WHO the HECK Grooms that, or is it just Mother Nature's way...:D .
Is it a contender for the theme...Who Knows...and I really don't want to express that opinion, that is a judgement and judges call.
I will say that it does have nice shadows and lighting...
Go with your Heart!!
Good Luck in whichever you choose!!
Now you and Tentacion are giving me mixed messages =c).
THank you for your feedback =cP
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I've seen this tree hundreds of times, it's on the way to work. I've always been amazed how round it is =c)
PS: you forgot to vote
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Good shootin.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section