looking for input

After posting a "cragged" image, I thought I might as well ask for folks' opinions on some other photos. As always, thanks for the critical (but polite) feedback.
These were taken on a family trek up to Timpanogos cave in American Fork canyon in Utah. It was a beautifully rainy day. Thanks for looking and even greater thanks for your feedback.
Which is your favorite? (in terms of the contest, and in general)
1.) Adversity

2. Adversity with a craqueluer/paper look

3. Adversity- lighter shot w/ paper look (focused on darker areas to get more light)

4. Mountainside

5. Mountain marble

6. Heart of Timpanogos

7. Cold hearted Timpanogos (inverted heart, I thought this looked cool)

Thanks for the input!
These were taken on a family trek up to Timpanogos cave in American Fork canyon in Utah. It was a beautifully rainy day. Thanks for looking and even greater thanks for your feedback.
Which is your favorite? (in terms of the contest, and in general)
1.) Adversity

2. Adversity with a craqueluer/paper look

3. Adversity- lighter shot w/ paper look (focused on darker areas to get more light)

4. Mountainside

5. Mountain marble

6. Heart of Timpanogos

7. Cold hearted Timpanogos (inverted heart, I thought this looked cool)

Thanks for the input!
{something witty here}
(I loaded the images individually from the url)
(edit)Now they're showing up...
I will be so bold as to dispense with the filter overlays, unless it really makes the difference. Let the photography speak the message.
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
# 1, perhaps cropped a bit to focus on the subject that is craggy. Have you tried less sky?
The filters are way too gimmicky.
I too feel that texture overlays take away from an image in most cases,
at least in a web format.
Thanks to everyone for the great feedback. It seems we're all on the same page. I have to run an errand right now, but if I have time when I get back, I'll try some differnt crops and contrasts.