Question about sensors used in digi cams
I'm just back from the Monterey Bay Aquarium where my Sony f828 struggled in the dim and dimmer light to capture images for me.
I'm not very technical minded, but I do know a CMOS would be less noisy than the CCD.
Among the digital cameras that use the less noisy sensor, are the images from manufacturer to manufacturer the same (using the same sensor) or different, and if different how...
What I'm trying to ask is if Nikon and Canon use the same sensor, other than manufacturer loyalty or feature set, what is the digital image difference?
Thanks! Remember, make it easy to understand please
I'm not very technical minded, but I do know a CMOS would be less noisy than the CCD.
Among the digital cameras that use the less noisy sensor, are the images from manufacturer to manufacturer the same (using the same sensor) or different, and if different how...
What I'm trying to ask is if Nikon and Canon use the same sensor, other than manufacturer loyalty or feature set, what is the digital image difference?
Thanks! Remember, make it easy to understand please

Oh, you lil' stinker! I've been wanting to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for ages,'re thinking of going DSLR, eh? Yup, you know I am too... The 828 has it's good points, but overall, I'm just not that happy with it. Seems it only takes great pics at ISO 64, (at least that's how mine is), so I've really missed taking night shots with it.
The new Canon DRebel XT might be just the ticket for us both! I wasn't terribly impressed with the first photos Phil published from it...hopefully, the image quality will be better when he has more time to try the camera out! I downloaded a couple of pics from his preview, and there was red fringing on the white areas, plus some color blooming and the pics seemed overexposed. If the XT doesn't cut it, then I'm still caught between the D70 and the 20D (which is a little pricey for my budget, so I'm still waffling on it.)
I liked a lot of things about the D70, but I wish it had ISO 100 and more pixels! Dave Kapp has one, and he has some really awesome photos in his portfolio. He also posted a message on dgrin with a link to a site where you could download different curve settings for the Nikon, which is pretty kewl! You can download some firmware upgrades (created by Nikon owners) to add other new settings to the D70, (I think one of the upgrades gave you the option of a higher pixel count!), and apparantly Nikon won't void your warranty if you do! In fact, it appears they actually extend your warranty if you ever need to send the camera in for a fix, which is pretty cool!
I'm really torn, because I do like the look of the images the 20D produces, but there are some issues with the camera (besides the higher price and heavier size and weight) that have me hesitant. And the different curves and upgrades you can add to the Nikon are pretty the inner struggle goes on and on...
Humungus has ordered his new camera (he beat me to it!), but I think I'll probably be ordering mine within the next 2-3 weeks. How about you? What are your inner demons telling you to do,
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
I seem to remember my Sony S70 doing better with the jellyfish. I did manage to get maybe 3 images of them with the 828. Will have to print them out and see how they came out. At 4 x 6 they should be fine, but you know me, I want my 13x19 prints!
Ah, you know me, I always want the latest and greatest! But I don't have a budget right now for any new cameras. I still think I will wait a couple of years and see what the future brings.
The Nikon D70 uses a CCD sensor, the Canon uses CMOS. If Nikon is using a CCD wouldn't we have the same noise problems?
As for that Dave Kapp -- don't judge until you see the original, straight out of the camera, original size image!
Any photographer you admire will do pretty well with any camera you hand them!
What I'd rather hear (and we never do) is a photographer saying, wow, with this new (insert name of newest wonder camera here) I can do this... where I couldn't with my old (insert name of old camera here) and this is why it is making me a better photographer...
How's that for a challenge?
Hey Nee!
Just saw the post & thought I'd comment real quick. Regarding the firmware, I don't have any experience with it. I don't think Nikon would extend the warranty with the upgrade if you install it. And with increasing the MP of the camera, thats the physical sensor. Not something upgradable by firmware.
Do you have a link to this info. I'd like to read more about it.
The curves are a great feature if you shoot JPG, or want a quick processing technique. This will apply tone curves that will increase dynamic range, keep from blowing highlights as easily, or bring out shadow detail. You can change these with software & load them on the camera depending on shooting conditions.
You can find more on curves here.
Dave (gallery)
So I suspect you wouldn't get much better results with a Canon G6 or Pro1, for example.
Check out the reviews at - they're sure to talk about low light, noisy images.
It's the weakness of this segment of the market. The only solution is to throw lots of money at the problem and get a DSLR that handles high ISO's better. It's one of the key areas in which each new generation of DSLR improves.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Hi Dave,
Sorry! Maybe I got my info wrong?
I'm kicking myself now for not saving all the links to pages I've visited. I'll see if I can find the link again, but I spent a lot of time today cruising different Nikon related sites, so it may be another time consuming and potentially fruitless venture.
I do remember one person writing (on another forum) that they had done something to alter their camera (maybe it was with owner created custom curves, but I seem to recall the discussion being about customer created firmware "fixes" as well...) and they sent it in to Nikon for some other issue, and Nikon extended their warranty (the writer claimed that Nikon will extend the warranty anytime you send a camera in!).
Sorry if I've posted any misinformation... In my eagerness and excitement of learning about the ability to download custom settings for the D70, I should have made sure to provide links to back up what I wrote. Sorry 'bout that! I'll do some more searching to see if I can figure out where the information was that lead me to believe you could "hack" the D70 with private sector firmware upgrades that would make it more "feature rich".
Stay Tuned...(I'm gonna go search now!)
I'll be back asap...
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
I can't seem to find what I was looking for, so I must have been mistaken (darn!). I'll try a few more leads before I totally give up. Sorry for not having my info straight. I'll go hide in my corner now...
~Nee :hide
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
They'd share their technology then with us Sony users! I wonder what they have up their sleeve at Sony's R&D?
That said, for IR work, some video, basic walk-around use or vacation/travel cam, not much can beat that 'ol 828 or 717.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky