Customer fear of the shopping cart feature
What do you do in this situation...I've had several instances where non-computer savvy people call me with the images that they want. They see the prices on my site, but for whatever reason they don't proceed through the shopping cart.
Do you charge them the shipping? you write it up an itemized invoice for the customer?
Do you charge them the shipping? you write it up an itemized invoice for the customer?
What's the concern on their part? Card security?
you can show them this:
And remind them, that shopping on a secure website is far safer than giving their card to a waiter in a restaurant
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Thanks Andy, that's what I've been doing. I can't explain why they don't proceed all the way through the time I'll walk them through it.
I was wondering if others have customers like that?
Thanks again,
No offense, just trying to help, but maybe it's the $29.99 for an 8x10.
Even the equestrian shooters don't charge that much.
I used to... and in fact I still get an occassional customer that wants to buy directly from me for some reason or other. I personally don't have the time to deal with that. So I've developed a mantra though "Prints and downloads are only available through my website" and I repeat that as many times as necessary.
And this may sound crazy, but to be honest, I don't really want customers who aren't willing to order online. Just try asking itunes to sell you music in person... why should prints/downloads be any different?
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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I think you misunderstood the question. The orders are coming through...but by phone or Email stating "I'd like the following prints...".
Dogwood, I like your mantra...I might add something similar. Appreciate the imput.
Andy and Others,
If I order prints for a client and have them shipped to their residence (non-computer literates) will there be an invoice in the print package showing MY COST? That would be icky! I just had to do that for a client who couldn't order in the middle of the night (either her mistake or site was updating, etc). Anyhow, I just ordered for her and had them shipped to her. Now I'm thinking...oops...wonder if that invoice showing my cost will be in the package of prints?
Justus Photography
In the end, I will fill the order send it to their address and collect the money when I see them.. or they will give me the money before hand.
I realize I may be stuck for the my price of the pictures. My pictures are very inexpensive, designed to have people order a lot of them.. and they do..
CornerKetch Studios
Special Olympics Delaware
We do not send invoices and/or personal information about the person who placed the order with the shipment(s) & smugmug
Oh good! I was worried...
This will make it easy to fill orders for those who can't negotiate the ordering process online. A lot of my clients are older horsemen and ranchers. Sometimes they "get" computers and sometimes they don't.
But they're all pretty neat people!
All I care about is that I get their photo needs taken care of..
Justus Photography