Pro Sales Status Woes

Success breeds its own problems. Granted, we're talking about over 6 dozen completed orders since Oct 1, but I am really having trouble keeping things straight in terms of what has been shipped and what hasn't. Especially when it's during the beginning of a new month where items marked "paid" have not been processed/shipped by me. I have to go into each order to view each one's status, and then...
Especially in the last few days, in either Camino or Firefox, the display is not performing properly. Let's say I view an order from the "paid" list. I discern that it has been shipped or not, doesn't matter. Whether I click "pro sales" to bounce up a level OR if I use the back button, it reverts to the "unpaid" list. If I then look at the paid/unpaid/all drop down, it "says" paid. But isn't. And doesn't refresh. If I pick "all", I can see all. All. Over 900 sales.
Sometimes it displays the list in "most recent" order, and then the next time it's reversed, whether in any of the three views. This has been going on for a while.
A little icon by each sale that has been processed would be SO useful.
16 still to process in unpaid, and 3 in paid. Getting there. :-P I do have a system of labeling each folder on my drive so I can see whether it's been processed or not at a glance, but that doesn't tell me the proof delay roll date. Oh so needful. I blew another order today, and had to request it be reprinted on my dime. At least it was only 2 items, and smalls at that. :dunno
Hooked up recently with my best friend from high school, we haven't talked for 20 years. She's a pro landscape shooter, and asked me about smuggy today, she got a trial membership, and innocently asked if I was selling much through there. Hail yeah, I wrote back. She saw the economics right away after having paid a designer for a bare bones site that has a fraction of what smuggy offers. But she's low volume, and I am too except for these danged events.
Especially in the last few days, in either Camino or Firefox, the display is not performing properly. Let's say I view an order from the "paid" list. I discern that it has been shipped or not, doesn't matter. Whether I click "pro sales" to bounce up a level OR if I use the back button, it reverts to the "unpaid" list. If I then look at the paid/unpaid/all drop down, it "says" paid. But isn't. And doesn't refresh. If I pick "all", I can see all. All. Over 900 sales.
Sometimes it displays the list in "most recent" order, and then the next time it's reversed, whether in any of the three views. This has been going on for a while.
A little icon by each sale that has been processed would be SO useful.
16 still to process in unpaid, and 3 in paid. Getting there. :-P I do have a system of labeling each folder on my drive so I can see whether it's been processed or not at a glance, but that doesn't tell me the proof delay roll date. Oh so needful. I blew another order today, and had to request it be reprinted on my dime. At least it was only 2 items, and smalls at that. :dunno
Hooked up recently with my best friend from high school, we haven't talked for 20 years. She's a pro landscape shooter, and asked me about smuggy today, she got a trial membership, and innocently asked if I was selling much through there. Hail yeah, I wrote back. She saw the economics right away after having paid a designer for a bare bones site that has a fraction of what smuggy offers. But she's low volume, and I am too except for these danged events.
Sebastian in smuggy help suggested opening orders in new tabs, thereby keeping the list somewhat static.
Secondly, I massaged the download report to only show my unprocessed paid and unpaid, hid some columns and printed, to give myself a checklist.
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Sebastian passed around your note this morning, to all of us. Thanks for the suggested improvements!
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Yeah you need to pay attention at the end of the month. When some that may have order on the 30th, moved to paid, but is hasn't shipped. I usually go back and open a few back even though I am sure I have worked on them just to double check I have cleared from proofing.
Thank God for tabs.
Another unrelated trick for those with 2 smugmug accounts, log into one in IE, and another in Firefox. That is another "Thank God" item for me.
It's rare for me to be able to look at a new order and just ship it--only if someone else had ordered that shot and it had already been pp'd. I use Lightroom for basic prep and resizing for upload, but prefer to pp each in CS3 once ordered.
If someone asked what the biggest or best new thing that's happened at smuggy in the last year it's definitely the redesigned cart IMO. It's really simplified things for my clients, now for coupons and/or packages...
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I must be missing something on Smugmug. Tabs? Lynne, how are you segregating orders to process (pending) using tabs? I'm having the same problems trying to negotiate horse show and endurance ride orders when they all hit at once.
Justus Photography
to keep the original page open and each link clicked opens in a new browser
tab. Works super in Firefox and I think IE7 has it also.
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Tabs in your browser, open each order in a new tab. If you aren't using a tabbified browser, well, get one
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I do wish for a third category where I could see that an order is "complete" so I don't have to worry about it any more.
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See, that's why I love this forum! I was working within Smugmug and not thinking about opening additional browser tabs. Duh....
Justus Photography