less cords for a mac?

I've seen more than a couple of claims that one benefit of a mac is they use less cords than a pc. I work on a mac for my day job (you'll note-- perhaps with horror -- that I boot it as a pc
) and I happened to have a camera handy today so I shot a couple pics showing those cords.
Why? Well yesterday I was hunting around for a spare USB port, and couldn't find one... even the two on the external monitor were 'taken'. These photos are completely unstaged-- just snaps of how my desk (and work mac) looks on a regular day. No USB ports to spare. :cry

Why? Well yesterday I was hunting around for a spare USB port, and couldn't find one... even the two on the external monitor were 'taken'. These photos are completely unstaged-- just snaps of how my desk (and work mac) looks on a regular day. No USB ports to spare. :cry

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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Well, that's one solution I guess. That AND a firewire hub.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Use your battery (assuming it's a notebook) and you could even have less cords-- at least while it's charged.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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But not everything will work off a USB hub, even if it is powered. The biggest example is the iPods. Also from my anecdotal testing, CF reader through a hub is not as fast as CF reader connected directly.
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THis is the way to go.
I have 12 usb ports on my desktop and I still only use three ports. Two of those ports are powered USB hubs. They just make life easier. Not to mention it takes the power strain off your machine. While it's not a huge power draw. Anything I can make dumb electronics vs. making my main machine work is worth it IMO.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Ironically, my home built PC doesn't need a USB hub-- four USB ports on the back, two on the front, and other two on one of the monitors. Plus some firewire ports. There is actually less connected to that PC though than my work mac.
My day job mac needs a lot of extras like headphones and an mbox and a bunch of cords for telephone interviews that most photographers wouldn't need, so to be fair, I'm not really a typical mac user. And wireless is not an option since I need to connect to a server that is not on wi-fi.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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The one I use was made for HPs though - and it's great. Every day I come in and plug in two wires (it would be 1, but I choose to use the HDMI out instead of the analog video). The dock cable gives me power, internet, all my usb devices, audio, headphones (if I need them), microphone - and would do D-sub video if I wanted. One day of putting all these wires in the right place results in months of a relatively wire-free desk.
Well, I think that the "rat's nest" of connections to my iMac G5 would scare the hell out of most people. Here is a list of everything that I can remember right off hand:
- 2nd monitor
- Logitech speakers
- Ethernet to router (I have an airport card but I like the speed when transferring files between computers)
- 2 powered USB hubs (1 4-port and 1 7-port)
- 1 powered Firewire HUB (6 port)
- Keyboard
- Mouse (Logitech Marble Mouse trackball)
- Wacom tablet (hate the mouse on this thing!)
- iPod cable for 30 GB video model
- iPod cable for shuffle
- heuyPro montior calibrator
- 2 printers
- 1 scanner
- Sandisk memory card reader
- Bluetooth dongle (my iMac did not include internal bluetooth)
- External Firewire 16x DVD writer (internal is just 8x)
- External Firewire 250 GB drive (clone/backup drive)
- External Firewire 80 GB drive (misc stuff)
- 2 External Firewire Weibetech dual-drive enclosures
- 1st with 2 500 GB drives - RAID 1 mirror for pictures :-)
- 2nd with 160 GB and 80 GB drives - capture and scratch disks for Final Cut
And of course, not only are all of these "external" thingies, printers, HUBs, speakers, etc., connected to my iMac, they also have their own power cables which further clutters up things behind my desk. You can also add to this mess by including the router and dsl modem and all of their power cords and cables. It is truely a disaster behind my desk! I wish I had a few pictures to share right now. Maybe I'll have to take some when I get home tonight.Can anyone beat this mess?
Wow now that's a mess! You have your own energy field humming away behind your mac! You could probably put a rat back there and he'd come out like the hulk!
What? No mbox?
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Let's see, at home...
- 2nd monitor - yep
- Logitech speakers - I've got the creature
- Ethernet to router (I have an airport card but I like the speed when transferring files between computers) - Yep
- 2 powered USB hubs (1 4-port and 1 7-port) - just one
- 1 powered Firewire HUB (6 port) - nope
- Keyboard -- yep
- Mouse (Logitech Marble Mouse trackball) - yep
- Wacom tablet (hate the mouse on this thing!) - yep
- iPod cable for 30 GB video model - yep (Classic, though)
- iPod cable for shuffle - nope
- heuyPro montior calibrator - Eye1 for me
- 2 printers - yep
- 1 scanner - yep
- Sandisk memory card reader - yep
- Bluetooth dongle (my iMac did not include internal bluetooth) - yep
- External Firewire 16x DVD writer (internal is just 8x) - yep
- External Firewire 250 GB drive (clone/backup drive) - yep
- External Firewire 80 GB drive (misc stuff)- no
- 2 External Firewire Weibetech dual-drive enclosures - only one of these, too
- 1st with 2 500 GB drives - RAID 1 mirror for pictures :-)
- 2nd with 160 GB and 80 GB drives - capture and scratch disks for Final Cut
By my count you've got me beat by 2 hubs, an iPod cable, an external drive, and a dual enclosure.And my wife thinks my desk is bad!?!?
It's up to the owner to keep it that way though!