
Hey, is it cold at your places? (7 img)

Yuri PautovYuri Pautov Registered Users Posts: 1,918 Major grins
edited January 10, 2008 in People
Hope it will be interesting to you to see some street photos.
The weather forecast tells us every day about forthcoming warming...
Br-r-r. -28C. Windy...
1 One of the University buildings in the center of our Voronezh city. We have traffic congestions here - a lot of cars...
2 Cold and wind can't stop a phone conversation with a boy-friend, yes?
3 Even boys feel cold...
4 Surely these guys in a car don't feel cold....
5 Cold, cold... its cold to see this advertisement... Brrrr
6 Different kind of dress at such times...
7 Some are not afraid of wind and cold...



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    JavaLoverJavaLover Registered Users Posts: 306 Major grins
    edited January 10, 2008
    I put on an extra blanket just looking. mwink.gif

    I love the bus, it's very pretty.

    Not too cold here, right now 45*F.
    Canon 40D, stock lens and now a Canon 55mm-250mm f/4-5.6 IS.
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    NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited January 10, 2008
    Hope it will be interesting to you to see some street photos.
    The weather forecast tells us every day about forthcoming warming...
    Br-r-r. -28C. Windy...

    Interesting.. I remember we had a few -30 winters back home, I was wearing valenki and shuba. And here girls/guys are going in jeans and short coats...
    As to the local weather: +2C..+8C at night, +15C..+18C during the day. Finally sunny again (we had a few rainy/overcast days).
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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    DJ-S1DJ-S1 Registered Users Posts: 2,303 Major grins
    edited January 10, 2008
    Crazy weather here in Rhode Island lately. The low this year (all 10 days worth) was 7F (-14C) and the high a few days later was 66F (19C). headscratch.gif
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    ShepsMomShepsMom Registered Users Posts: 4,319 Major grins
    edited January 10, 2008
    Nice shots Yuri, bring back memories, we didn't care how cold it was, all we cared how fashionable we looked rolleyes1.gifthumb.gif
    Nikon D700 x2/D300
    Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
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