HS Girls B-ball from last night
A few with my new D200 with the 50mm f1.8.

The rest of them are here http://gpimages.smugmug.com/gallery/4133205#241193021

The rest of them are here http://gpimages.smugmug.com/gallery/4133205#241193021
Would you mind sharing your settings for these pics?
How do you like the camera?
The new camera (I bought it used but it has had very little use) will take some practice with the settings. There are soooo many settings. It seems with the D200 I can't get as fast a shutter speed with the same ISO and F stop settings as I could with the D70s, must be some difference in how Nikon has set up the sensitivity of the sensor. In low light out of the camera there seems to be more noise at ISO 1600 than the D70s. In better light and lower ISO settings it is very good! I really like the higher frame rate of the D200, 5 frames per second over 3 of the D70. The D200 has some other very cool features that I need a few weeks to digest. The pics from monday night were all shot at ISO 1000 f1.8 and 1/400 shutter speed.
My blog: HERE