Critique my Photo
Please let me know what you think of this photo.
I just go my Nikon D300 for Christmas :barb and havn't had much time to use it.
I just go my Nikon D300 for Christmas :barb and havn't had much time to use it.
I agree with getting lower, but watch out for the sky, it can often get blown out when used as a background.
Bradenton, Florida
Thank you so much! I was rushed that day, trying to take shots and run try-outs. I really appreciate your comments. I took a look at your gallery and you have some fantastic shots. I love the gymnastics! I shot for one of my kids teams, boys gymnastics. I'm still figuring out the gym. lighting/no flash thing.
Thank you again!
Thank you for looking and taking the time. I appreciate the comments!!
However, this was a nice shot and is really close to being a really great shot.
PS: next time you post, you may want to embed the image right in the post. For whatever reason, having to click on a link to see the image seems to take too much of my energy. I really am getting lazy!
Thank you for your comments, I can see what you are saying regarding the OOF area being out of balance! I will try that next time. Practice, practice.
Thank you for taking the time to look at it and post a suggestion I really appriciate it!!
I think that the comp is nice and unique, however the bill of the ball cap in front of the image is the ultimate distraction to an otherwise great shot.
I would like to hear more from you about the d300 I've been hearing mixed revews and been seeing mixed results from the images.
Keith - Champion Photo