I want to get hit!

I am looking to update my galleries and the pics in them. in the process of doing this, I also want to do whatever I need to do to get my site noticed and visited by other smugmuggers and the world.
I know absolutely nothing about marketing. I am a total novice.
keywording seems to be one of the most important things. I see that you can edit keywords in SM, but apparently you can insert keywords in programs like Lightroom (which I have), and SM will read them and add them when you upload them (if they're JPG or TIFF).
so...let's say that I have a bunch of related photos. I want to apply the same keywords to them. I would go to the IPTC panel and enter the info:. go to keywording, then enter the appropriate keywords. then what? do I save that as a preset? or can I just then select the desired photos and hit "synch settings"? and am I right to assume that I then need to export those images so that the keywords are embedded? and then upload to SM and SM will make note of these keywords.
assuming that I enter keywords for all of my images, are these the things that Google looks for when doing a search?
are there good strategies to follow as regards to keywording in general?
are there other things that I should be doing to "get noticed" on the web? outside of SM?
thanks much for all your help. :clap
I know absolutely nothing about marketing. I am a total novice.
keywording seems to be one of the most important things. I see that you can edit keywords in SM, but apparently you can insert keywords in programs like Lightroom (which I have), and SM will read them and add them when you upload them (if they're JPG or TIFF).
so...let's say that I have a bunch of related photos. I want to apply the same keywords to them. I would go to the IPTC panel and enter the info:. go to keywording, then enter the appropriate keywords. then what? do I save that as a preset? or can I just then select the desired photos and hit "synch settings"? and am I right to assume that I then need to export those images so that the keywords are embedded? and then upload to SM and SM will make note of these keywords.
assuming that I enter keywords for all of my images, are these the things that Google looks for when doing a search?
are there good strategies to follow as regards to keywording in general?
are there other things that I should be doing to "get noticed" on the web? outside of SM?
thanks much for all your help. :clap
Dick Louderman:thumb
Not sure about the Lightroom thing, but...
The important thing for SEO (search engine optimising) is not imbedding keywords in your images, it's that Smugmug extracts them, and puts them on the page.
Add captions to ALL your photos, and keywords too. (even if they're duplicate pictures, simply duplicate the captions) Add keywords and captions to galleries. Simply, keyword anything that people might want to use to search for your pics, so a picture of Big Ben should be tagged "Big Ben" "London" "houses of parliament" clock clockface Westminster tourism, etc....
Smugmug seems to do a good job at getting search traffic anyway, so you just need to get relevant traffic, by telling google what your photos are of.
Make sure you've added something like Google analytics to your pages so you can see where visitors come from, and what keywords they type in to get to your page. I tend to get hits after putting gig photos up - I tag them with the band's name, then anyone searching for the band name should find it, especially if they search for "band name pictures" or "band name venue name". I also get quite a few visits a year after doing an event, people search for e.g. "Thames festival" and they find my photos from the previous year! It's worth looking at Google Adwords too (Pay-per-click), not free but can be very good at driving your traffic, it accounts for about half of mine.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
thanks much for responsing! this is very helpful!!!
just to make sure that I understand you......
I didn't know about that. I'll look for it. is that something you can do from within SM or is it a separate program?
aside from lightroom, there are apparently programs that can streamline the process of entering keywords and captions, like "breeze browser." do you use anything like that, or do you just enter them manually from within SM?
thanks again, this is very helpful to a novice like me.
BTW, I like your site and the way it's presented, especially the film strip thumbs. is that a view option in SM?
take care. :ivar
thanks for responding. I am looking at that article and there are some very good tips. can you do blogs from within SM?
BTW I looked at your site and some of your images, I like them a lot, especially the nature and landscape ones. I also like the fact that you're a biker, I'm a bike fanatic myself.
I've been to Maine a few times, it's beautiful, but it's been several years since I've been there. would love to see it again.
take care.
dick louderman
As far as blogs go, I've kept mine independent but linked to my smugmug site. If you want to embed a blog within smugmug, you might be interested in this post from richW where he shows how to place an external blog inside a smugmug gallery: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=628906&postcount=4.
Also - you asked Paul (above) about filmstrip thumbs. That is a standard gallery style, just select style: filmstrip.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks for the good advice. I have been too busy in field photography to be fluent in this side of things. This site is brand spanking new, and I think I have alot to offer. I would appreciate any feedback after looking at my new site. Endsoftheearthphoto.com
To respond to your questions:
are you saying that google does not search for IPTC keywords when doing a search? or that the keywords would be mostly of use to SM users? I see the point of SM being able to extract them andput them on the page.
AFAIK, Google doesn't index IPTC keywords, so it's definitely a huge advantage having Smugmug putting them as text on the page.
Make sure you've added something like Google analytics to your pages so you can see where visitors come from, and what keywords they type in to get to your page.....
I didn't know about that. I'll look for it. is that something you can do from within SM or is it a separate program?
Google Analytics is great, and free! see www.google.com/analytics, and search on here to see the best ways to use it on Smugmug.
aside from lightroom, there are apparently programs that can streamline the process of entering keywords and captions, like "breeze browser." do you use anything like that, or do you just enter them manually from within SM?
I just use the SM interface, particularly bulk captioning, if I have lots of photos of the same thing.
BTW, I like your site and the way it's presented, especially the film strip thumbs. is that a view option in SM?
yes, it's a standard Smugmug view, called 'filmstrip'. :-) I think it's a nice simple view which allows you to have big pictures still.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
thanks again for the info. so I can do a blog either way. seems like it might be simpler just to link externally, altho it doesn't seem too difficult to put it on a SM page, either.
you have a really nice site!
dick louderman