SF4 - Color Wheel - Comments please...
OK, try number two! This time with Tessa's most excellent cropping suggestion. By the way, Tessa, you pretty much nailed it, I tried a few different crops and rotates and well, your's was always my favorite.
Next, I went after the lighting. The whole point of trying colored light was to enhance the texture. Instead my first version seemed to make one's brain depart from reality and forget all about texture. This time the light is way, way less saturated. There is quite a bit of white mixed in from the three directions and I also added some red to the blue and blue to the red. I also dominated the green direction with mostly white light so there is more of a hint of green than the visual clubbing in my first version. I like this one a lot more, but I still don't know if it rises to the level it needs to...
More input? Pretty please???

Original Post w/small version of first try...
Well, I've been struggling - badly. I had a few ideas for over a week and haven't been able to make them pan out at all like I'd want. I kept thinking of incredibly complicated shots or scenes that were a 12 hour drive away. Tick-tock it is getting late. So tonight I told myself I must shoot something in or near the house and come up with a theme for myself to guide me better. I've recently started playing with a couple Vivitar strobes I can use off camera in manual mode and learning all about light (hard, soft, angles, reflections, etc.). In doing so I've enjoyed discovering textures in things. So I set my self-theme as "Light and Texture".
Well, lots of laying on the living room floor thinking before I looked all of three feet from me at this giant ammonite sitting right next to me. Looks like texture to me (amazing how blind we become to what is around us all the time). Then I thought about illuminating with different colors.
So in the end, not a very complicated shot. Three flashes from three different directions. One each of red, green, and blue. I used a single strobe so it is three exposures added as a multiple exposure, my Canon doesn't do multi-exposures in camera so I had to add them afterwards. I tried very hard light (i.e. a bare flash from some distance) an there were almost no secondary colors in the image at all. I eventually had to use an umbrella amazingliy close to the subject (i.e. very large, soft light) to get any CMY to show up once the images were added together. I set this thing (it weighs a good 30 lbs) on black felt so I could drive the background to black with just a small levels adjustment.
Well, I think I hit the texture and light theme. It amazes me how almost computer generated this thing looks - I don't know if that's a bad or a good thing. In reality it is just a multiple exposure with red/green/blue from three different angles.
Well? What do people think? Is this too wacky? Is it overly novel or cutesy? Is it something you've all seen before?
All comments good and bad gladly accepted. I need to be done by Saturday, so I've still got a few evenings and full weekend day to try other stuff...
Next, I went after the lighting. The whole point of trying colored light was to enhance the texture. Instead my first version seemed to make one's brain depart from reality and forget all about texture. This time the light is way, way less saturated. There is quite a bit of white mixed in from the three directions and I also added some red to the blue and blue to the red. I also dominated the green direction with mostly white light so there is more of a hint of green than the visual clubbing in my first version. I like this one a lot more, but I still don't know if it rises to the level it needs to...
More input? Pretty please???

Original Post w/small version of first try...
Well, I've been struggling - badly. I had a few ideas for over a week and haven't been able to make them pan out at all like I'd want. I kept thinking of incredibly complicated shots or scenes that were a 12 hour drive away. Tick-tock it is getting late. So tonight I told myself I must shoot something in or near the house and come up with a theme for myself to guide me better. I've recently started playing with a couple Vivitar strobes I can use off camera in manual mode and learning all about light (hard, soft, angles, reflections, etc.). In doing so I've enjoyed discovering textures in things. So I set my self-theme as "Light and Texture".
Well, lots of laying on the living room floor thinking before I looked all of three feet from me at this giant ammonite sitting right next to me. Looks like texture to me (amazing how blind we become to what is around us all the time). Then I thought about illuminating with different colors.
So in the end, not a very complicated shot. Three flashes from three different directions. One each of red, green, and blue. I used a single strobe so it is three exposures added as a multiple exposure, my Canon doesn't do multi-exposures in camera so I had to add them afterwards. I tried very hard light (i.e. a bare flash from some distance) an there were almost no secondary colors in the image at all. I eventually had to use an umbrella amazingliy close to the subject (i.e. very large, soft light) to get any CMY to show up once the images were added together. I set this thing (it weighs a good 30 lbs) on black felt so I could drive the background to black with just a small levels adjustment.
Well, I think I hit the texture and light theme. It amazes me how almost computer generated this thing looks - I don't know if that's a bad or a good thing. In reality it is just a multiple exposure with red/green/blue from three different angles.
Well? What do people think? Is this too wacky? Is it overly novel or cutesy? Is it something you've all seen before?
All comments good and bad gladly accepted. I need to be done by Saturday, so I've still got a few evenings and full weekend day to try other stuff...

Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I gotta agree. It's a nice image to put on a wall, but it just doesn't do it for me in this contest.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Best of luck!
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Wow Tessa, good eye.
Thanks everyone else for your honest comments. My reaction has been similar, I've had an intangible "striking, but not contest worthy" feeling about the image myself. Tessa's suggestion helps it out a lot, but I think in the end I'll need to rethink how I'm shooting this (perhaps a background texture as was suggested) or try something completely different.
Thanks to all!
I think the new colors are really nice. The bottom right hand corner needs to be darkened though as it is currently drawing the viewer right out of the frame.
The neon version has more immediate impact, but the new subtle colors make me linger on the texture longer.
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Thanks for your input, spot on!
Changed the overall contrast and darkened the corner. Thanks!
I know you said you're limited on time, but if you shot this in RAW, I'm wondering if you can create an underexposed version and then blend your current image with the underexposeed one in parts to add that additional depth our eyes keep seeking.
Very neat concept, regardless. Kudos to you on experimenting with lighting.