A Rose as Sweet

Calvin brought me home flowers the other day. :lust I seen it as an opportunity to try snapping a few flower shots. There won't be any natural flowers around here for at least another couple of months... :wxwax
I sprayed the rose with water beforehand and cropped it using PSP7. No flash; natural light coming in through the window on the right. ISO 100; F3.5
I sprayed the rose with water beforehand and cropped it using PSP7. No flash; natural light coming in through the window on the right. ISO 100; F3.5
Lead me not into Temptation. I can find the way myself....
Same settings. Used PSP to crop and add radiance.
The color is dazzling on the rest, but the water droplets are so numerous, I'm distracted and I can't decide if I should be looking at them or the rose. I'd try it again but attempt larger and fewer droplets.
I like the daisy, but I find myself wishing the exposure was increased. Do you shoot RAW? Because the natural lighting is nice, but sometimes being able to help the exposure along is nice to.