No Masks, Layers, Or Lassos

Has anyone downloaded and tried the free 15-day trial for Nik's Vivesa???? I watched the 4 demo videos and downloaded and was able to quickly use it without reading the instructions. First impression: It really is FUN! Color and light control with no masks! :huh No lassos! :barb Quite amazing. Mac friendly. Most versions of Photoshop and Elements, too! Not cheap, but NAPP members get $50 off right now for 2 weeks. Very intuitive software much friendlier than other Nik software I have used....and very slick. :wink
Other links:
YouTube - Imaging Resource PMA 2008
[URL="\"]CalumetPhotos Live PMA interview[/URL]
Other links:
YouTube - Imaging Resource PMA 2008

Have not, and don't plan to. Looked at the video tutorials on the NIK site and although I cannot be sure, it appears to use the same "select" engine as does color-range in PS with, perhaps, a bit of the magic-wand engine thrown in. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But it appeared, from their tutorials, to be a bit heavy handed--almost like PS's hue-sat adjustment-layer's boosts--not very amenable to subtle corrections or color separations (such as Dan Margulis recommends not only in his LAB book, but also in his LAB videos on the NAPP cite as well as his new three-part, 6-hour videos, on an efficient and very effective new workflow he has put together (the first of the three parter is now on the NAPP site -- it is part of the Kelby training gigs, 17.95/month for unlmited viewing.)
Dan's stuff on the site is first-rate! It seems to me that for a fraction of what the NIK folks want for their quasi-automated product, you can become a real expert with a minimal amount of time. Again, I am gleaning all of this from the NIK tutorials on their site--it seems to me that if they haven't sold me...well, I'm not sold :>)
If you do decide to try their free trial-download, let us know how you like it and I'd appreciate knowing whether my sense of the product is right. Thanks ... Ralph ...
you might also like to look at this short demonstration of what some simple moves can do to pop colors in an image that started out pretty spectacular but was made out of this world -- Ralph -- here is the url
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.