automate batch filename to iptc keywords ?
Still trying to solve my problem with filenames of my uploads not getting added to my keywords. SmugMug says this is what's supposed to happen but there's a "bug" lately. Been a long long while so I'm trying to find some work around.
Have stumbled on the fact that there are all these file re-namer apps out there, that in all different ways can convert a filename to some IPTC type thing.
For instance, I title all my photos here on my PC, then upload to SmugMug. Lately , nothing I upload is findable with SEARCH. They're just filenames; no keywords or captions.
If I somehow had added IPTC info to the photos, then maybe they would get searchable by my smugmug SEARCH. But what info : title, description, keywords? There are a number of iptc fields.
Tried something called BREEZE BROWSER that was able to BATCH convert my filenames to IPTC TITLES. Meaning : after I had titled ( named , whatever) a number of photos, I was able to have BREEZE BROWSER "select all" and then convert all my names for photos into IPTC titles. I uploaded to SmugMug. Searched... nothing. Seems SmugMug needs the IPTC KEYWORDS FIELD filled in with keywords from my photos name to find them.
Doesn't seem that BREEZE BROWSER can BATCH convert file names to IPTC KEYWORDS.
Anybody know any app that does.
Or -here's another- angle - do any of the other smugmug uploaders do a better job of reading IPTC type stuff, or of getting names of photos into the caption, keyword field.
Still loving the silliness of the big clownhat this "bug" has put on me; who needs any help when we've got these great emoticons.
Have stumbled on the fact that there are all these file re-namer apps out there, that in all different ways can convert a filename to some IPTC type thing.
For instance, I title all my photos here on my PC, then upload to SmugMug. Lately , nothing I upload is findable with SEARCH. They're just filenames; no keywords or captions.
If I somehow had added IPTC info to the photos, then maybe they would get searchable by my smugmug SEARCH. But what info : title, description, keywords? There are a number of iptc fields.
Tried something called BREEZE BROWSER that was able to BATCH convert my filenames to IPTC TITLES. Meaning : after I had titled ( named , whatever) a number of photos, I was able to have BREEZE BROWSER "select all" and then convert all my names for photos into IPTC titles. I uploaded to SmugMug. Searched... nothing. Seems SmugMug needs the IPTC KEYWORDS FIELD filled in with keywords from my photos name to find them.
Doesn't seem that BREEZE BROWSER can BATCH convert file names to IPTC KEYWORDS.
Anybody know any app that does.
Or -here's another- angle - do any of the other smugmug uploaders do a better job of reading IPTC type stuff, or of getting names of photos into the caption, keyword field.
Still loving the silliness of the big clownhat this "bug" has put on me; who needs any help when we've got these great emoticons.