Important Lightroom 1.4 and Camera Raw 4.4 Update

Adobe has pulled Lightroom 1.4. See
Important Lightroom 1.4 and Camera Raw 4.4 Update
and from the User to User Forum Tom Hogarty posts:
Important Lightroom 1.4 and Camera Raw 4.4 Update
and from the User to User Forum Tom Hogarty posts:
I have removed the Lightroom 1.4 update from Although you will still see references to the update on various pages, the download links have been removed from the download page. Details on the reason for this change are provided in the blog post below.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and the team greatly appreciates all of the very succinct feedback provided on this forum over the weekend.
Tom Hogarty
Adobe Systems
Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
shooting self for updating so quickly....
Ditto two platforms, three machines. Bugger!
Its quite simple to reinstall the older version (just run installer, that's it).
The bug is somewhat rare, affecting only users working with DNG files that are also writing back the XMP to the DNG. Even then, it appears to be somewhat benign but not worth taking the risk, just wait on LR 1.4.1.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
If you are on a Mac, don't go back.
You can use DNG Converter 4.3.1 to 'fix' any DNG's messed by LR 1.4 on a PC. Then go back to 1.3.1 till a newer LR vesion comes out.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
OR use the update command for DNG JPEG previews and Metadata. But at some point, you really do want to update both, and considering that 1.4 was itself mostly bug fixes (and support for a few newer cameras that probably doesn't apply to many users), its probably best not to stick with 1.4. Knowing Adobe, a 1.4.1 will be out, real soon.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"